TNR Happenings, July 19, 2021

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Love Has No Color Fundraising Countdown

We’re on the final lap for fundraising for our Boot/Camp Fun Days 2021. Get your donations in pronto. Feeding an entire Reservation will be a Love Has No Color reality that was never before even imagined. We usually have backpacks, sporting goods, or some major project that our funds are applied to. Not so this year. It’s all about food for families in dire need this time around.  In addition to our door-to-door distributions to Brocton, Frazier, and Fort Kipp, we are also planning to reach another 500+ families. Remember, donated funds can come from anywhere: office, family, businesses, etc.

Boot Camp 2021

Practice tip of the week

Stay in your lane. A TNR Chiropractor’s model of practice is in variance with other Chiropractors. Don’t compare and especially stay off social media comparing your way. It’s too easy to slide into being average, not taking a stand, letting people take advantage of you, etc. Working with industry norms is for people without TNR training. Like Navy Seal training, TNR training is not meant to be used for directing traffic or preparing meals. These things are reserved for people with less training and preparation. Have a ruthless intolerance for people who are visiting from out of town and want a quick pop. Have a ruthless intolerance when people say their Chiropractor is out of town. The hallmark of a TNR-trained Chiropractor is being humanitarian, having superior clinical results, and an income that dwarfs other Chiropractors. Let the guy down the street specialize in symptom care only. Miracles are reserved for the few, not the many!

Stay in your lane

Fun Day update

Whatever you decide to do for Fun Day, be self-contained. Bring the item with you, no matter how simple or common the item is. You may also shop at Super Wal-Mart for your supplies when you land in Williston. Another option is to ship your supplies by UPS to Kenny Smoker. Make sure to ship the supplies soon so they arrive in time for the Fun Days. Don’t leave any detail undone. In the early days of Boot Camp, we had a massive art project derailed because they didn’t have paint! If you don’t have the supplies or the manpower to complete the task, switch to another activity. 

From the Mind of Miyagi


Many of our members are testing the frigid, shark-infested waters of Level 2 DCMEs and they are realizing it is antithetical to Level 1. Level 1 is infested with low levels of commitment, missed appointments, hiding behind insurance coverage, and superficial symptomatic complaints that rule the day. You can’t apply what you know with Level 1s. Level 2 DCMEs are a different breed. More of what made you successful at Level 1 will be of no value to you. Mini golf and real golf are entirely different. We had the world champion of OUI tennis (a virtual game) at Boot Camp a few years back who couldn’t even hit a tennis ball. When a real racket was placed in his hand, he couldn’t hit the ball so he smashed his racket. Dr. Lisa and her sister, Dr. Tara, had hosted that pod. 

Level 2 DCMEs test your communication skills, how you establish your bonds of trust, your available levels of personal power, your boundaries, and your belief in yourself. You must have stay power to outlast all the resistance you will get from caring for cases that have slipped through the cracks. You also must have much higher levels of leadership and guidance for these types of cases. Don’t get pulled into their tangled web of lies. You’re being played if they say, “I’m not getting the emails for the 21-Day DCME Video Program” or “My symptoms are worse and are not getting better.” If they ask if you will talk with another doctor or therapist about their case, then they don’t think you’re up to the task. Asking if you are vaccinated is another reason not to commit.

Three factors color every person you will ever serve:

1) They have had their X moved (Mall: You are here diagram) with dogma, social media, government programming, parents, teachers, etc. 

2) Their available amount of personal power. There is no answer for low personal power.

3) Their overall resonation (Power vs. Force). You will have infinitely more difficulty and resistance from people in fear (calibrates at 100) than at anger (calibrates at 150). A person who resonates above 200 will make you look awfully good. Remember, what you resonate at has nothing to do with formal education, job status, or IQ.

Don’t take on the responsibility of fixing people or these 3 factors. Just know what you are getting into. Plan your strategy (cleaning clean windows so they don’t get dirty) and impeccability (not wasting personal power) accordingly to the presentation with each case. They are all different. What works with one person will flop with another. There is a reason that 99% of all Chiropractors shy away from DCME cases. You will do more positive work on your own shadows by serving people who are Level 2s. Remember, you are cleaning up messes that are chronic in nature. Expect a miracle with each and every Level 2. Don’t care about the questionable parenting. Don’t care about how far gone they are. Don’t care about the extenuating circumstances. Get down to it, roll up your sleeves, and do the work.


Don’t be that guy

We’ve talked about this before. In your office, there should be absolutely no talk about chemical cures, your position on them, etc. You have no idea how much personal power you are wasting answering questions about these things. It’s nobody’s business. Don’t waste those precious minutes by doing the government’s work and being a non-paid advocate for disease and limitation. Don’t divide and exclude people based on whatever factor. Stop commenting on disease. Educate your people about health and how to think for themselves. 


DCME confidential


Question 1: A potential DCME says they don’t have the money and they want to barter with me for payment. Should I? 

Answer: No 

Question 2: The parents of a 16-year old DCME are haranguing me and saying they haven’t seen any results. What should I do? 

Answer: You are entering the delicate balance between the caring and feeding of parents (who pay the bill) and the caring and feeding of the kid. They are entirely separate things and must be worked with independently. If the kid is a DCME, chances are there is trouble in paradise and dysfunction at home. You can’t fix that.