TNR Happenings, July 26, 2021

TNR Happenings 7.26

Love Has No Color Fundraising Update

It’s the final lap of the race for this year’s fundraising efforts. We couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of you! We have bettered last year’s efforts by a long shot. We will be able to serve 1,000+ families on the Reservation. This historic effort for Love Has No Color is powered by TNR members, their practice members, and other donors. Being a part of Love Has No Color adds purpose and meaning to your life and the lives of practice members. Life has to be more than doing the same old things every day and limiting our scope to only people in our communities. In these times of mass deception, it’s refreshing to see a humanitarian concept thrive in the shark-infested waters that are now regulated by the government, corrupt organizations, and profiteers of chemical solutions.

Boot Camp 2021

Practice tip of the week

Our members that have been attended multiple trainings have heard this concept many times: How much time do you invest in social media entertainment? Watching TV and surfing the web are fine as time drainers to decompress, but there is a hidden cost you can’t see. Look in any assisted living facility for the elderly: TV is a constant companion of the people who are shut-in and sequestered from their families and society in general. In their banishment, it pretends to connect them to the outside world that they used to be a part of. It’s a highly addictive form of mind control for public consensus, political agendas, and social norms, telling you loud and clear what’s accepted by the majority and those in control. Like mask-wearing, you are shamed if you aren’t on Instagram, FaceBook, or the next, best online platform. After a while, you don’t see the mind control, you just go along with it. Like any form of addiction, you can’t imagine your life without it. Ever notice how a lot of smokers work outdoor jobs? It’s not by accident. It’s invisible and you are totally programmed to tune in every single day of your life. It’s fun to learn about people or circumstances in conflict; plus you can comment on what’s going on without actually experiencing it. That’s social media, however, this concept is not new. This is similar to the Roman Coliseum activities of the past where one guy was spared and the other one was thrown to the lions: the people in the stands could comment on things they knew nothing about; they were allowed and even encouraged to voice their opinions. Try voicing your opinion against Covid or war, etc. Good luck!

With my Miracle Training private clients, the first thing that is removed to have a relationship with the kid is their social media activity and their phone. If you can’t accomplish this step, the results go down precipitously. If they have room under the salary cap (mental and emotional ability), they can turn their brain to oatmeal and can still function at school or work and it doesn’t matter. But when they have a gun to their back like addiction, illness, mental and emotional impairment, or suicide, it’s absolutely essential to remove this invisible tool of destruction. Cut down your allegiance to social media. Save your personal power. Cut an hour here or there or just get rid of it entirely. Put your added personal power into your office, your family, Love Has No Color, etc.


Have you noticed?

The industries that need viewers on social media, corporate sponsorship, medical approval, etc. are really getting fundamental about their profit/mind control agendas. You can’t coach in the NFL unless you roll up your sleeve. I’m sure it’s so in the NBA, MBL, NHL, etc. Who will be the first to stand up to the madness.  The MMA was among the first to not drink the Covid Kool-Aid and invited people back to events long before others. To even the most clueless, low-resonating person, you must have noticed the profit and governmental hand in all of this silliness. How about all the other mandated vaccines? Why is the government not going berserk with all of these other diseases and removing freedoms and liberty from people in the land of the free? Are we going to start seeing Covid lives matter signs on people’s lawns now?


From the Mind of Miyagi



Ever dream about where you’d be without TNR?  I graduated from Chiropractic College with a white medical jacket and a stethoscope, like an MD. My life would have been different without a radically different input. I was rescued off my island of public consensus and opinion by an Alpha male Chiropractor by the name of Dr. Joe Flesia. He was a dandy. His Renaissance-style input knocked me for a loop. It was completely foreign to me and made me extremely uncomfortable. It was contrary to my upbringing and my way of thinking. I learned about the courage to be disliked, etc. It was rooted in thinking for oneself, principles that are timeless, understanding personal power and resonation level, and avoiding the landmines Chiropractors step on that pull them back into the swamp of mediocrity.

For the past year and a half, the conditions (mass hysteria silliness) to demonstrate TNR principles have never been better. Some of our members have reached historic highs and others feel like they are marching uphill against all sorts of resistance. What’s under your hood? Some members just couldn’t pull it off and discontinued. They felt more comfortable being socially accepted operators rather than owners. This is nothing new here. Transformation or the complete reconfiguring of your gestalt to a better version of yourself always comes with a price attached. Like crabs in a box, the temptation of being an average Chiropractor, with average politically leveraged thoughts and behaviors, was just too great for these individuals who wanted the bennies without the effort. In Canada, you don’t even have the freedom to use your degree and must submit to new restrictive laws and mandates that completely waste your TNR skills. 

 TNR members are headed into the storm, not seeking shelter in safer environments or awaiting the government or big brother to bail them out. During this whole mess, regulatory boards did nothing to protect members and instead just stood there and hung on toothlessly with no fangs and no claws. We are planning a September training event and I am asking for all members to attend. Usually the ‘Seal’ members attend and we see these same people at all the events. The content of the training just doesn’t matter. Like a tongue-in-groove flooring, there is no beginning and no end. You can’t stop these people; they are a wonder to behold. If you can see the big picture of what is happening in the world, you would drop everything to be there. You might say not only your future but the future of the entire profession, rest on it.


Open your mouth!

TNR members are constantly hearing about lost causes, people have fallen through the cracks, incurables, etc. Do you know that family members, relatives, or close friends won’t begin care with you? You are too close to the front lines. As self-serving as this may sound, send them to me if they truly want help. We have had several home runs with people traveling and holing up at a hotel to receive their 90-days of care. One of these Miracle Training clients was a sister of one of our members. She wouldn’t take her care seriously enough with her brother; however, she took his word when her back was up against the proverbial wall. We had another one come from a different country when there were extenuating circumstances preventing this extremely capable doctor to care for this client. She was pregnant, there was a threat of physical violence, and truth be told, she did not have the time to devote away from her family at the time. When she has a resistive practice member now, she threatens them with sending them to Miyagi and they usually straighten up. If you don’t have an updated info package including my book, Looking Into the Eye of the Dragon, let us know and we will send you one to have on hand. Thank you.       


DCME confidential


Question 1: School is rapidly approaching and I have been asked to cut down on my care of a 15-year old who has extreme anxiety, has done self-harm, and is brutal on the rest of the family. HELP! Should I? 

Answer: No. I would stop my care summarily rather than submit to any tampering of a care plan. Have a ruthless intolerance with this. Don’t compromise; you will be sorry when looking back. 

Question 2: My 22-year old DCME keeps skipping appointments and then lying about the reasons for missing them. One time he told me he was contacted by NASA people about being put up into space. How do I handle this?

Answer: As you well know by now, caring for mental illness is complicated and fraught with obstacles. Make up the appointments, do the best you can, and don’t have these missed appointments explained. There are no stories or excuses for success, only failure. Good luck, this is a segment of the population that really takes it on the chin. They all are issued chemical courage and never develop their own reward cascade system that is discussed in the 21-Day DCME Video Series.