TNR Happenings, June 28, 2021

TNR Happenings 6.28

The Tao of TNR

The community, friendship, and camaraderie of TNR were in full view for all participants. Ruthless intolerance, up to and including parents, spouses, kids, friends, and other family members, were some of the concepts explained and expounded upon. We discussed weeding the garden of hidden assassins. Who knew that your biggest saboteurs would come from inner circle people. We had so many surprises, including our guest presenter, Lora, who presented during the divine manifestation portion of the training. We had lots of great food and conversations. Many visited Dr. Derrick’s office and Drs. Christy and Cliff’s new house. Attendees met an early Miracle Training client of mine. Dr. Tyler’s birthday (twenty-nine and feeling fine) was celebrated in fitting TNR fashion and included a scrumptious huge cake. You don’t leave a TNR training as the same person. Like stepping in the same river twice, you just can’t do it.

"Practicality at its finest. It was great seeing how the same principles apply to every one of all levels. It reassured me that the solutions aren’t outside of me; I wake up every day with everything I’ll ever need. The solutions are there. The training is there. A seminar for the ages."

"Each training is an opportunity for me to receive help…if I am open to it. The deeper concepts, discussions, and interactions helped reach & REVEAL things hidden to me preventing the growth I desire. Thanks for the chance to examine the hidden limitations to greatness."

"Lots to take in and absorb. Realizing I’m not alone where I’m at on this journey – i.e. others have been in those stages. There is hope. There is life. There is healing, there is FREEDOM to be ME. Learning so much through other TNR members and being a part of this group of incredible people led by an amazing leader/mentor. I believe stuff was released in me through Lora’s sharing her story."

Tao of TNR

Practice tip of the week

Stop answering questions about Covid once and for all. Health is a private matter no matter what your government thinks or if they attempt to force you to participate. Do this immediately. Drop the people-pleasing, stop trying to fit in with a disease crowd, and stop pretending you don’t believe the way you believe. Wave them off and don’t allow them to pollute your office. It can only lower the resonation of you and your office and expose you to squealers. For our north of the border members, the powers to be have mandated that we not speak about it. “We fully comply with all local and provincial regulations; however, we cannot tell you about our personal experiences, opinions, only what the government wants us to say under penalty of fines and revocation of our licenses.” For US members, “Our regulatory board says if we don’t give it (vaccine, drug, operation, chemo, radiation, etc.), we are not allowed to comment on it. There is plenty written on the internet so knock yourself out reading it.”

Remember, whether they are vaccinated or believe in masks is not the point or the end game. Healthier people create a healthier planet. Remove the interference from their nerve system and their connection to the source. Get them and their families on your tables for as long as possible. Long-term care regardless of whether they choose to chemically brand themselves and their family. Health has nothing to do with hiding from a specific illness. Health is an expression of a fully functioning nerve system at all times: in sickness or in health; from your first breath to your last. There are no exceptions.


Love Has No Color news

Our Boot Camp/Fun Days will be from August 12th to the 14th. Get your fundraising hats on. Our goal is to feed the entire Reservation and it will be accomplished this year by our group. Fundraising needs to be amped up; what else is new? Almost everyone reading this has helped us fundraise before. No idea is silly or too big. Stop playing small and get some macro donations as well. Stand before people in truth. Love Has No Color has and is continuing to accomplish what others can’t. Some charitable foundations have CEOs that earn 7 figures a year. Perhaps 5 cents of every dollar donated gets to its intended purpose. The rest is squandered on bureaucracy, overhead, expenses, salaries, consultants, etc. LHNC has no paid employees whatsoever. Every person who has been a member of TNR has witnessed where all the money goes each and every year. Let’s kick it into high gear!!

Boot Camp 2021

From the Mind of Miyagi


Have ruthless intolerance to stupidity, rhetorical questions, and stalling people under the guise of being sensitive, kind, and compassionate to low-resonating, close-minded people who deliberately attempt to waste your time and personal power. Letting people witness your adjustment on someone else is putting the sacred in a context where it will be judged and expectations will never be met. Why would you allow this to happen? You see all of these doctors putting videos on various social media channels for acceptance, to fit in, and, of course, to entertain people instead of doing the work of adjusting and educating. Watching a person walk on fire is markedly different than seeing a person on your computer screen walk on fire. A person watching you adjust might cringe and say, “Ohhhh, you look like you are tearing off their head.” As a director (as opposed to an actor), you don’t put yourself into situations where you are in harm’s way or in clear and present danger. Fame or being a virtual star is such a temptation to the new generation of Chiropractors that don’t see any danger in it. 

If a person has societal programming towards disease, for the rest of that person’s life they will accept violence, war, politics, dogmatic thought, female and child abuse, side effects to safe drug care, hoaxes, and having their economics stolen from them with not so much as a whimper. They will not think for themselves and they will have an absolute disability of courage. They don’t see anything wrong since it’s invisible to them. Their personal history and programming guarantee that they will participate in fraud, disease, corruption, and strained relationships. They will also have an aversion to truth. They can’t see it, even when you attempt to point it out. Anger is such a cheap substitute for courage.  

There is nothing more incredible than witnessing a miracle in your office. It’s so easy to take a stand for what can’t be done, rather than take the risk and opportunity to attempt the impossible. When things are broken, many people will say, forget about it and just buy a new one. It’s not my problem. Or the disease is incurable. While we are at it, let’s lower our expectations from Level 2 (DCME) to Level 1 so we can be in alignment with the rest of our profession. Being in TNR is always about transformation and taking the hero’s journey into the unknown. There are no guarantees or safety nets, only you, your training, and the conviction and courage to bring the world what they don’t even know they need.


DCME confidential


Question 1: The mother of my 15-year old DCME wants to join my off-campus session with her kid. She says she wants to videotape it to put on social media and says it will bring lots more people into my office. It’s so tempting and I think it will bring more Level 2’s into the office. What do you think? 

Answer: There is a reason you weren’t here last weekend. Are you saving a life or trolling for future revenue. There was an actual section in the Tao manual dealing with the new patient myth. The answer is a resounding NO with no explanation. 

Question 2: The parents of a Level 2 want clinical notes, the diagnosis, and a 10-page synopsis on their kid. I figure it will take me about 10 hours to write this up. I have 3 kids and really don’t have the time. What should I do? 

Answer: Make an appointment for a Head-to-Head immediately. Refer to the last question. They too missed the training that will answer that question thousand times over. There were no boundaries or guidelines set up prior to engaging with your Level 2. You must have a ruthless intolerance for time-wasting activities or be held hostage by well-meaning but deadly people who have no loyalty to you or Chiropractic.