TNR Happenings, March 15, 2021

March 15, 2021

Miyagi is back!

The first Miyagi training in about a year and a half will be on April 17th. This training is all about the art of getting results with cases that 99% of Chiropractic offices never see. TNR’s mantra: we are humanitarian, we get results others don’t, and, as a result, we have increased economics. It’s not about wishing, academics, techniques, agreeing with pandemic nationalism, etc. It’s a mindset, a discernable, developed skill much like singing, painting, etc. This mindset is available to everyone. However, in this world, the development of this skill is considered not necessary and too time-consuming, so many don’t want to bother with developing it. Everyone can draw stick figures, but can you draw a portrait? Everyone can talk, but can you sing? This is all about developing the intent and skills to attract the cases that slip through the cracks and get results. It also fuels the humanitarian dimension in members that must be kept fully charged. If there is one dimension in Chiropractic that has been lost, it’s the humanitarian dimension. Too many people accept the fact that nothing can be done. There is a decidedly spiritual dimension to the Miyagi training and this one will be no exception. There will be a sweat ceremony right after the seminar. The sweat will be hot and the water will be cold. April 2nd is the cutoff date to receive a 10% discount on your ticket. I have been asked about companion tickets for office managers, spouses, etc. The rule is they need to be mature enough and be able to keep it together during the seminar by not drifting off, getting bored, fidgeting, or playing on their phones. If they fit this criterion, then you may purchase a ticket for them for $500. There will be a limit of one companion ticket per office.

Miyagi April 17

Dutiful and smug

Have you noticed how many people in your area just love being puppets for pandemic nationalism as they jog and drive with a mask on? Or the ones that tell you your mask has slid off your face? The pseudo laws are being enforced by comrades, not law enforcement agencies. Not to poke fun at organizations in general, but this same behavior is seen in religions (I am holier than you, I volunteer more than you), at places of employment, etc.

When freedom and liberty are finally in place and the government’s nose is where it belongs, if some people still feel the need to wear a mask, let them knock themselves out; but they shouldn’t tell others who know better to wear a mask. What a deception of saying you are protecting yourself and others when wearing a mask. This is like saying unity through isolation. Do they threaten to call the police when they see an overweight person? Do they go up to poor people and demand they get wealthy or berate them for being poor? How about with sick people? Do they demand they get healthy? In this upside-down and backward society, sick people have benefits like sickness insurance and they get other people to feel sorry for them. One type of thought and behavior is tolerated in this climate and it borders on socialism.


Practice tip of the week

Sooner or later, as you are educating patients about health, the subject of Covid will come up. Remember, you are not going to change anybody’s mind so don’t set yourself up for resistance and social media trolling. You have to speak up for health, not against wearing masks, etc.  Chiropractors who make it their mission to bash drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, or the competition (MDs) have a totally different belief system called disease, not health.

Of particular note, those offices that had Health Awareness Seminars prior to the plandemic have the highest percentage of non-masked people in their offices and fewer squealers. They also report growing, not just staying afloat. Interesting! Hand out educational pamphlets and books. Don’t make the crucial mistake of thinking that computers are going to do your bidding. Similar to the exercise arena, there is no shortage of information but there is a marked shortage of fitness. Don’t relegate patient education to the digital graveyard where they just won’t put in the effort. Think of someone showing up for an exercise class vs. observing one at their home online. Good luck with the latter choice. Use every adjustment to educate, educate, and let them feel your connection and that you care about them; don’t speak of their symptoms. Don’t go along with the trend of making it all about short-term symptomatic care.  My back! My back!

From the Mind of Miyagi


Have you ever been to a dog park and observed the dog owners? Some people have their dogs on leashes as they pull and bark. Some let their ‘obedient’ dogs run off-leash. Invariably, they want the dogs to meet each other similar to when they force their kids to act in an unnatural way on new play dates. If the dogs want to meet each other, they will do it in their own time, their way. Some owners have other ideas. Usually, the dog on the leash is offered to the ‘friendly’ dog that is off the leash. This can be a BIG MISTAKE. There can be territorial and dominance issues that surface. If a spiff occurs, the owners go into their roles. The owner of the unleashed dog may say my dog had never bitten another dog. The other owner would probably say that the other dog needs to be on a leash, he is a menace. Sounds a bit like the dutiful and smug doesn’t it?

When you get exposed to anything out of the ordinary, expected world, you get exposed as not really knowing what is going on or what to do. Anything outside of the role that has been assigned to you by society, you don’t have a clue! You think you know what to do, but if you don’t you will get exposed. Many times in our society, however, no one will see this and life goes on. When a relative gets a serious disease, you will see so many unpaid advocates and spokespeople for disease with their cures, natural or otherwise. The cure always has a story: there is an ancient 105-year-old shaman down in Mexico, a blind doctor who does electroshock therapy in South America, a doctor in a thatched-roof hut who lets bats bite you to enhance your immunity, etc. Usually, there is never a name or address because it’s a vague and fuzzy story. Eat the pit of an apricot.  How many apricots or what species of apricots? It’s a journey without an ending. It’s hope without certainty. It’s an exercise in futility.

When you get sick, you are exposed to what you know and don’t know. Think of water here. It’s shapeless, formless, and infinitely powerful, yet must yield to the container it’s put into. Our roles in society limit what we can and can’t do. Don’t blame people for their ignorance, it’s the container they have been forced into. Since birth, the role we have been programmed to do is trust the medical people since they are at the highest level in our society. It’s simply not true anymore than always finding justice in a courtroom or peace on a battlefield. It’s merely all about the role each of us has been assigned to play. There are trillions of dollars at stake here. Each and every one of us has seen miracle after miracle happen in our offices in spite of repeated medical care. Another concept to think about is how people think they know what is best for them and their families when they don’t. They are taught to sit at the altar of doctors who use technology, pharmaceuticals, amputation, radiation, and chemotherapy and to accept their fate. This is where the government has stepped in and now has taken that choice and responsibility away from you. We are going from bad (not knowing what’s best) to worse: a state or government telling us how to live under the guise of democracy. There is a whole different world with different outcomes if you dare venture out of the role you have been assigned to play. 

A different world used to be available at lots of Chiropractic offices. Now it’s few and far between. The mob mentality has spoken and Chiropractors who were once principled and miracle-minded are quaint, silly, idealistic, and out of touch with reality. They have gone with the new science (pandemic nationalism), peer review, and outcome-based reality. Every Level 2 you will ever undertake will have family members vocally saying this can’t be done and they will be secretly hoping the person doesn’t become healthy, etc. Crazy, right? But it’s true. There are regulators in our society that actually target people that think they can remove the proverbial sword from the stone. These can be family members, nurses and doctors that play for the other team, DISEASE, our own brother and sister DCs, etc. After just a few short years in practice, many feel the inertial or pressure to return back to being a low PVA Chiropractor and stop talking about miracles. Then they also will stop educating, having a HAS, etc. This is why it is absolutely crucial to train in TNR. There is no one training that is more important than the others. They are tongue and groove with no beginning and no end. Just be there at each and every one and you will be insulated from what is going on in the majority of Chiropractors’ offices.


DCME confidential



Question 1: I have been trying to get a DCME into my office for the last few months. I have tried preaching, pamphlets, videos, Concentric Circles, and the Baseline Assessment. They won’t come to my HAS. What should I do?

Answer: Move on to the next DCME that says yes immediately. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear; not until then.

Question 2: My Level 2 DCME has been getting more argumentative and sassy with me. There is lots of sarcasm and everything I say is twisted. What’s going on here?

Answer: You are experiencing pushback from your child, I mean your practice member! As long as they show up, continue the course. If they start skipping it means they are losing altitude. You were too easy on them at the beginning and they became your leader. Have a dialogue with them and attempt to reverse things; however, it may be too late. DCMEs are living and growing and not static things.