TNR Happenings, March 8, 2021

TNR Happenings 3.8

Facing the impossible

How much longer can a Chiropractor be ignored and only be seen as a back and neck doctor? The world is desperately searching for immunity and is looking everywhere except in our offices. With so much emphasis on short-term relief, chemical solutions, and quick answers, is it no wonder that the miracles of Chiropractic are all but ignored? Your state board is not going to help you or anyone else. It’s not their function. You must take it upon yourself to create a space in your community that is unique and different from what society believes you to be: “My back, my back.” Remember, society doesn’t know a thing about health. This is where patient education comes in while also standing before your people in truth and not caving with your recommendations. The powers to be have taught the masses that if they do what they are told, they will be safe. Whaaat? Having everyone under protective custody and scared of the world and its people, but safe? Kids have had their learning abilities handicapped and stifled by remote learning. You can’t get this time back for your kids, it’s gone. All other diseases, including emotional and mental impairment (invisible disease), are all but forgotten as the world’s obsession with only one disease continues. Face the impossible and succeed. Stop accepting excuses of why growth is impossible. It’s not. “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” We have record after record, personal best members who are enjoying unparalleled growth. Stop listening to people who don’t know what health is telling you that your recommendations are crazy. Don’t fight for the right to be a part of this insane world. Represent a distinct and different choice for people to make.


Practice tip of the week

Make laminated posters of the concentric circles and the Baseline Assessment to be used with dry-erase markers. You can have these made online or at your local printer. Every day your practice members will repeat their symptoms over and over to you. Chiropractors hear this their whole careers, with no end in sight. With these tools, you will take them to the cause of their problems instead of adding your name to being merely symptom removers. It’s a bridge that constantly educates and reinforces how health is lost and how it is restored and maximized. Interference and compromise to the nerve system can have thousands of effects but stems from physical, emotional, and chemical interference, i.e. one cause. If you have the chops and the communication skills, introduce them to the VSC complex. If you don’t have the chops yet, keep it simple and speak of interference and compromise to the nerve system. Plan a Health Awareness Head-to-Head in your immediate future. Reach people where they are, but don’t stop educating. A couple of weeks of educating a patient is like training CAs for only two weeks and then putting them to the task, expecting them to continue to grow and blossom in your office. Choose to educate and don’t leave it up to chance: the odds are not in your favor. Low patient visit averages and not bringing in their kids are red flags of no understanding of what Chiropractic is, regardless of what they claim to the contrary.


Love Has No Color News

Can’t you feel it? With the first hint of spring in the air, doesn’t your mind wander to the Fun Days in August on the Reservation? Are you thinking about the kids, the fun, the heat, the food, the music, etc.? It is almost 5 months away but because we had a modified Boot Camp last year, we want to make this year our most exciting one yet. We are also looking for VIP guests: patients who refer lots of people into your office who would relish this opportunity for themselves and their families. You know the type: adventurous, you won’t need to babysit them, and they are the ‘can do’ type of people. I get a sneaking suspicion we are going to be doing more community service and reaching more people with adjustments, Naturopathic care, food, etc. This is going to be BIG!

From the Mind of Miyagi


A moment of silence, please. Late on Saturday afternoon, I received a text message that read as follows: “I’m too upset to call. That boy you offered to help was shot and killed. I just found out.” This was from a person who is family to us. He is part of the underground of the dragon that refers potential clients to me. He also has helped train lots of my clients. He is a personal trainer that many of you have met. When you enter the world of DCMEs, you are going to experience a world few Chiropractors will ever witness. I actually had a consultation at a public restaurant with the father of an 18-yr old kid addicted to drugs and we shared a meal. He told me his son was on the fast track to being a professional baseball player. He was a handsome kid, with a Tiger Woods vibe. Then the drugs and the street claimed him. He had a younger brother so the father removed him from the house. Then the kid found solace living in the hood with gang members.     

Many of our members will say, “Hey Dr. Kevin, this is not my cup of tea. I’m never going to see this kind of case.” I get it, but this illustration will serve every member. Bear with me. Maybe it’s not an addict like this kid you’ll see. You already see lots and lots of people addicted to pain medications, but this isn’t recognized as addictions. Maybe instead of just seeing patients with headaches, you’ll stretch to seeing patients with concussions. Instead of depression or anxiety, you’ll witness a kid that doesn’t want to live. The idea is to start from where you are and to gradually move into the danger zone.

The father is a member of law enforcement. When we met, we discussed the only possibilities for his son if he continued on the same path:  he would be killed or incarcerated. I couldn’t help to feel for this guy. It is hard to imagine being in this predicament with one of your kids. We all say we would know what to do, right? No more than this father did. Each circumstance is different and every person making the decision is unique. As a policeman in the city, he has arrested kid after kid just like his son who didn’t have any hope of recovering, only punishment. He was very angry at his son. It was palpable. He felt betrayed and let down. For all of the parenting the kid received, he felt he wasted his life. He chose not to give the Miracle Training a chance. He thought his kid was too far gone. He made the decision for his son. I’m not sure if he ever spoke to his son about the training.

The point I’m making with this horrific case is that parents don’t always know what’s best for their kids. Read this again slowly. Parents are thrust into circumstances and situations that they have no experience with and they look for easy or convenient ways out of the problem. No father wants his son to die, period. But with all the factors surrounding his son, he felt he was in too deep. He is a police officer and he was showing tough love; the fact remains he was exposed as not knowing the solution. I’ll wager his mother had a different spin on things. Once he had made his decision not to help his son, nobody was going to change his mind. Stop thinking you are going to reverse close-mindedness with people in your office. We introduced a new term at the last DCME training: Miracle minded. This means being open-minded to get behind a solution that wasn’t of your making. Like Chiropractic for yourself or your whole family. Answering questions is never of any help with skeptical or cynical people. Do not amend your recommendations or cave. Insurance coverage is a factor, not the deciding factor. Hold your ground. The conditions have to be right for the miracle to happen.


Profiles in courage

Have things that matter in your life drifted away?

Drifting away

Please go to the Blog section of the TNR website to read this article.


DCME confidential


Question 1: With my first three DCMEs I have found that I had to encourage or push a little harder than I have had to on regular cases. Am I out of line or out of integrity? Am I secretly doing this for the money?

Answer: No, you are in truth. They are counting on you to be the leader. If they are standing on a cliff above the water, they may require a push so they can leap to freedom. Reason, logic, and understanding won’t get the job done.

Question 2: I’m being hounded by the mother of a 19-year old kid to write notes or text her every day with progress reports on her son. She is very persistent and she is a teacher. What should I do?

Answer: I hope you didn’t promise her that you would do this. There is no way oral or written words can capture the miracle as it unfolds. For those of you present during the last training: did you see the hesitancy from my DCME on our call when she was attempting to describe what happened? She wasn’t being deceptive or mysterious, just truthful. Even though she experienced a miracle, she can’t tell you how it happened.