TNR Happenings, May 10, 2021

Happs 5.10

The Tao of TNR

What is that attribute that sets people apart in all realms of ability or expertise? Is it intuition, being on the good side of the force, or certainty in an uncertain world? It is mysterious and elusive and is in plain sight, yet unseen. You can experience it, see the effects of it, and talk about it, but finding it presents a challenge. It’s not impotent philosophy; rather the practical application of principles. As Chiropractors, our logical minds continue to let us down. Our clinical results are varied but what about the logic in relationships? These require a dimension different than merely learning what society finds important. This will allow one to unlock the essence of individuals, rather than getting misled by the appearance of what people pretend to be. The Tao of TNR training will once-and-for-all get you out of your box of predetermined limits and what can’t be done. This new training will be on Saturday, June 26th. Purchase your ticket by May 28th to receive the 10% off discount.

Tao of TNR

LHNC fundraising news

Everyone has heard of the satellites that orbit high above the earth. They are used for everything from troop movement to surveillance and weather monitoring. They have been reporting higher than average activity in Virginia (a very high signal!), Manitoba, British Columbia, Massachusetts, Illinois, Montana, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and North Carolina. How they measure fundraising efforts of Love Has No Color is still a mystery, right up there with where Cleopatra is buried. They even pick up on offices that tithe every month and the offices that form fundraising teams on the Love Has No Color website. Maybe the satellites are taking temperatures of these areas and the hot spots are heating up! They are also so accurate they can detect the difference between a hot dog sale and a yard sale. These satellites are forecasting (like tracking a hurricane or storm) this year’s fundraising to be the best of all time. There is a lot of activity going on so stay tuned.

Practice tip of the week

Here is a great example of the “Wanted” poster that everyone can make and proudly display in their offices. One of the banes of existence in our offices is people not deciding on care, particularly with Level 2, DCME care. This poster will help guide and polarize people in your office. Just because a person wants care in your office, doesn’t mean it’s a great fit. It’s akin to asking a person to get rid of their mask. People who continue to ask rhetorical questions will bring down the whole morale of your office. If you were shopping in the lawn and garden section of Home Depot, you would find this poster under ‘Weeding Supplies’.

Poster Dr. Tyler

The Mind of Miyagi


Have you ever wondered why people don’t know the difference between health and disease? It’s not because people are dumb or want to be sick. It’s because they have been programmed since birth to participate and protect the dictates of a society that benefits from disease. This is the same deal with war and with justice. When you are programmed, it’s invisible to you and you can’t choose against what is invisible to you. The power of choice has been seized along with the freedoms associated with choosing health over disease (the government does this for you with its new tools of pseudoscience and fundamentalism), education over ignorance, peace over war, etc.  These things aren’t even questioned, they are just accepted. Logic is powerless against programming. In fact, it plays into the hands of the dominant programming of the times you live in.

We see this every day in our offices. A person in dire straits will do anything except become healthy to get out of being exposed with an illness. A person that had been plagued all of their lives with seizures, asthma, etc. will say they will be back in your office when the issue returns. Everyone knows the greasiness of lawyers but will still run to them when in trouble. You drag a patient’s rear end out of the ditch and you wrongly assume they will continue with ongoing Chiropractic care; then you get ghosted. Sure, some open-minded people will adopt a new habit. However, the majority will do anything to adopt simple solutions to complex problems. Isn’t the real solution health, regardless of the illness? Imagining a world that is truly healthy gets more and more faded.

You would think most parents love their kids. Yet we still see parents not stepping up to guide their families towards health instead of being held hostage in the latest, most urgent crisis of disease. It’s just too daunting a task to do something that isn’t universally accepted. You get exposed when you attempt to do something in the quest for health. You will be beaten on every front by everyone including family and friends. It’s like not wearing a mask. Everyone will help you put your mask back on. If you’ve forgotten yours, here, I have one for you. It’s as if they see everything as being backward and upside down, much like looking in your rearview mirror. Objects seen in your mirror are okay, letters however reveal the truth. Backward and inverted, like the images your retinas receive. Programming allows people to be asleep and stop thinking for themselves.

Consider carefully those you serve. Although ‘tic’ can help all people, your office can’t. There are people that fit and others who will make a mockery out of your office. Attempting to appeal to all people is a brutal dead end. Take a stand: stand for principles that move society forward, do not participate in activities that torpedo people and add to the predicament of the species. Do you have any idea of the added neurological damage of people stuck in a Don Quixote hoax? The very harmful effects of Thalidomide weren’t discovered for decades while many considered it helped more people than it harmed. Who decides it helps people…THE PEOPLE WHO PROFIT, the ones who profit from people being crippled, afraid to speak up, subservient, etc.

DCME confidential


Question 1: My Level 2 doesn’t do any of the DCME video homework. What should I do?

Answer: If Level 2 were as simple as giving a video, everyone would be doing it. Your patient is acting like a protesting and under-motivated kid. What kind of tools do you have to make an emotional connection with that kid? If you don’t have thermal levels of personal power, you will experience extreme resistance. Lean on power instead of force.

Question 2: My DCME doesn’t think I’m spending enough time with them. They are threatening to discontinue. Help!

Answer: You are being held hostage. You are the leader and not their friend. Friends have an influence on you and can refuse to participate when the going gets rough. Be consistent and don’t take input from a person who should be grateful for the time instead of saying it’s not enough.