TNR Happenings, May 17, 2021

TNR Happenings 5.17

The Tao of TNR

After coming from an academic background of memorizing, regurgitating, and forgetting, it’s easy to expect all seminars to be a repeat of the same formula: you get the seminar manual, take some robotic notes, and then throw them in the closet along with all the other unused notebooks from other seminars. They are not sacred or high resonating and they only add their skeletons to the pile of ideas that come and go and are replaced with the next BSOs. TNR teachings are a refreshing departure from the neutered mentality that covets the convenience of the one-size-fits-all mind control of more information, rhetoric, sales, and marketing, not doctor skills. The Tao of TNR is decidedly different in that it doesn’t add more TNR concepts but goes deeper into the understanding and practical implication of these concepts into your life. It infuses a sense of purpose and meaning above and beyond going through the motions and just doing the things we are expected to do in our lives. Purchase your tickets before May 28th to receive 10% off.

Tao of TNR

Practical tip of the week

Pay more attention to people who have slipped through the cracks. Don’t ignore them, say it’s not my problem, or turn your head away. Always remember, you have no responsibility for their response to your offer of help. Your only responsibility is to let them know there is help available. Don’t have an attachment to their answer. It’s their choice. Take your sacred place among past and present TNR members who have what it takes to turn things around for people in a big way.  What will you do with this opportunity? Will you let it be taken away by others who have authority over you? Don’t hide behind their traditional, lame excuses like it will have to wait, maybe when the kids are older, maybe after leaving their spirit-crushing jobs, asking for permission from authoritative spouses, etc. Don’t neuter the sacred by giving it away, letting people who don’t know have a say in your care, or listening to outside agents like insurance companies, regulatory boards, jealous people, etc. Everything that is important in life has a depth of belief to it. TNR is about having a humanitarian spirit and a fire that’s burning deep within. This is a parallel universe to the mundane drone of typical Chiropractors that follow a carefully scripted, societal mandated position of doing everything except the miracles. Just crack my back, remove my pain and I’ll be on my way to my important life. If you can’t see the shaft of sunlight, you will be sucked in and will take your place among the imprisoned minds.


Love Has No Color news

Make sure you have August 11th to the 15th blocked off on your calendar for this year’s Boot Camp/Fun Days. If you want to make it even extra special, bring a family member or two that has never experienced anything like this. You could also bring a VIP practice member. The world’s largest hoax has caused so much devastation for the people on the Reservation and the need for our help has never been higher. The rules were changed once again for our friends on the Fort Peck Reservation, as well as other Reservations.

As if living in third world conditions is not severe enough punishment, the kids have had to deal with remote learning and having their social interactions seized as they were banished to their homes. Talk about isolation on top of isolation! These kids need to be loved, to be able to play and socialize, and to be given back a sense of safety and dignity. They did not do anything wrong. After 17 years, this is no time to get complacent, think we’ve done enough, or say there is no more work to be done. These kids are a part of our lives. It’s time to start your fundraising efforts so we can make this the best Boot Camp/Fun Days for these kids!


From the Mind of Miyagi


Have you ever stared into the eyes of a dying person?

book cover photo

(Picture from the cover of, The Soul in Anguish)

You can see a silent communication of, get me out of here. They may be 16, they may be 38, they may be 47.  There is a look of despair facing their ending. You look right into their soul. You can see the look of abandonment from their journey into the world of disease, lack, and limitation. Maybe it’s the story of the trail of tears. The initial ray of hope comes crashing down after doctors will tell them what can’t be done. Doctor after doctor promising to give them their best and failed to deliver. Phil Collins croons in his song, Tell Me Why: “If there is a God, is he watching?”  There is so much pain, sorrow, and suffering. For some, it’s too late and it seems there’s nobody listening.

Hanging onto hope when you’ve been told there is no hope is part of the human condition. It’s as old as time itself. Last weekend, I had the privilege and honor of having three people under my sacred stewardship; a person who feels they are in a hopeless situation, a person who had made a 98-day journey out of a hopeless situation, and a member who desperately wants to learn how to help people in these hopeless circumstances. Witnessing the connection between the healed person and the person who is just beginning her journey was like seeing a shaft of sunlight and love at its essence. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of this dynamic: a community of healing being formed. This is so deep within all of our hearts but it usually seems like nobody is listening.

As challenging as helping Level 2 people is, the feeling of helping people who graduate and carry on the message to others is unparalleled. Seeing the ray of hope in their eyes and having the newfound strength to face any situation that comes up in their future lives is found nowhere else in this backward, upside-down world that continues to ignore people in these circumstances. Accepting what can’t be done is easy. For these people, there is no tomorrow.

On our last trip to the Reservation and the trip before that, TNR members got to see two of my graduates. That shaft of sunlight was evident in both of these people. Their beauty and essence were in full view for the participants to see. The shaft of sunlight is not only for the person, it’s for everyone they influence for the rest of their lives. Talk about a gift! It is so amazing how they go on to do incredible things. They help all kinds of people in all kinds of ways because something burns deep in their hearts. They have a newfound reason to leave their previous troublesome life behind and enter into a new existence with a new outlook, a new achievement level, and a new connection to people.

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Read the previous article; there is nothing else to say.