TNR Happenings, May 3, 2021

TNR Happenings 5.3

The Tao of TNR

This is the ultimate peeling of the onion. This training promises to reach you at a visceral level, regardless of the number of trainings you have attended in the past. The Tao of TNR is all about the deeper understanding and practical application of the principles that power the world. This is not a misprint. Imagine if all people were under the care of a TNR-powered Chiropractor: limitation, lack, war, crime, addiction, oppression, and illusions would not have a place to fester and multiply. The TNR-powered conditions don’t support the backward and upside-down world of illusions. I’m not speaking about an operator, rather an owner with a vision, using the same principles that power Love Has No Color. These principles and concepts in Chiropractic ask for commitment, your best effort, and unwavering devotion to the people you serve. The majority of Chiropractors won’t commit to these.

Most superficial, non-big vision Chiropractors are content to just get by, pay bills, or make a living. They look to social media, substitutions, and imitations; illusion instead of reality; temporary and always changing conditions vs. eternal and never changing; and being popular and convenient vs. having purpose, meaning, and passion. The more the world shifts its axis to conformity, obedience, and just doing what they’re told, TNR principles remain a calling for the remaining warriors to follow their spirits and not be seduced and held hostage by a world that does not see the need to be a leader.

Tao of TNR

Practical tip of the week

Get your Love Has No Color hustle on. Do you have a wall dedicated to Love Has No Color? Do you mention Love Has No Color on your website and social media platforms? Show your people that you are humanitarian. Last week Love Has No Color received an email from a patient of a Chiropractor who has only been in practice for 4 weeks:

“Hi Dr. Kevin, I am interested in helping out with the love has no color program. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. I am thinking of going on your next journey to the reservation if that is allowed. My life has not been great lately but I realize there are so many people not as lucky as me. I look forward to your response. Thank you Keep up the great work.”

Isn’t this new practitioner’s mind supposed to be on getting new patients? Isn’t his mind supposed to be on his overhead, computer software, insurance forms, etc? He has a humanitarian orientation and isn’t focusing on the profit-over-people business principles.


Love Has No Color news

It’s certainly not too early to start fundraising and get your practice members involved.

Remember, the hand-signed Love Has No Color certificates are to be displayed on your Love Has No Color wall and duplicate certificates are given to your patients. These certificates can be used for 5% donations from Level 2 pre-pays, donations from individuals, families, businesses, etc. People are attracted to individuals who are involved with something bigger than their individual roles. The charity.gofundme website is ready so get your team set up: We are attempting to feed an entire Reservation at Fun Days in August. It’s never been done before.

LHNC Certificate

Head-to-Head fever in May!

Four Head-to-Heads are planned so far in May and I still have a couple more openings for Head-to-Heads this month. There are a few members who are long overdue for a Head-to-Head so now is the time. Speak with Dr. Julie about availability and scheduling.

H2H pic

From the Mind of Miyagi


What scares Chiropractors to their bone marrow? It’s being exposed as being inadequate, inferior, or just not up to the job. What scares non-DC people? The same thing. Many don’t understand their fears and, as a consequence, they will continue to be imprisoned by them for a lifetime. Abandonment and overwhelm top the list of limiting views we have adopted or had foisted on us. We pass our days with very little latitude to change our ways because of our fears. Depression is the tell-tale sign of an inner life of urges not being lived. As a substitute, we defer to a safer, more socially accepted, boring life with no risks taken. Welcome to the masked world.

What happens when you get exposed? You are summoned to show up for a journey into the unknown that most times is not your idea. You are forced to face the music. You are dragged into it, kicking and screaming and insisting it’s not fair. Examples are divorce, relationship strain, illness, being taken advantage of, financial strain, and being bullied. Most of the time when you get exposed, you take it and re-arrange your life to keep the story. You keep your dirty little secret to yourself and surround yourself with others who can quote chapter and verse your fiction even if it’s not what you want. Some of the stories are: that’s just the way it is, Covid caused my lack of success (what about before Covid?);  the specialist (real doctor) told me this disease is incurable.

If you have a superficial, simple issue you can jump into the swamp of public opinion and find out what other lost people have done. This is joining the wild goose chase of our times. Social media is a favorite lowest common denominator. Or you can pay a so-called expert to get you out of the problem. Lawyers and MDs come to mind. What happens if it’s an invisible disease and won’t go away with a copper bracelet, reading a book from Barnes and Nobles, or eating a special diet? Everyone will have an opinion (most are unfounded and unsubstantiated) about addiction, illness, getting rid of weeds in your yard, the best foods to eat, the best way to parent, the secret of a long-lasting marriage; fooling the other person, etc. If given a social media platform, the majority will scream from the rooftops that they have the solution to your problem.

If it’s serious, you are going to have to venture into the unknown and go against the school of public opinion. The solutions will not be found in the common. Spouses, older kids, in-laws, or friends won’t have the solution. They may sound like they know so much, even though they don’t. Be forewarned: if you are wrong, you will get severe bullying and pushback from all the people who keep the story alive. People who you don’t even know will add their weight to the pig pile on a platform that does not care about your capability or credibility. Think masks and the hoax here. The same one thought, fundamentalist view is seen in the state’s ability to remove a child from a home if the parents go against the state’s protocol for treating a disease.

Journeying into the unknown is not for the faint of heart. Wimps or pretenders will get chewed up and spit out. Transformation is available to all and avoided by most for good reason. Stop being ruled by others’ expectations and opinions. Don’t lose the fire that you once had.


DCME confidential


Question 1: How do I motivate a Level 2 who has paid me and now refuses to do any of the work?

Answer: Here is the art of Level 2 at work: form a relationship, don’t be pushed around. You’ve got to be devoted to the person even though at first blush it appears they don’t want to be healthy. They are scared of being taken advantage of, being abandoned, or being let down again after putting in the time and effort.

Question 2: My 16-year old depressed DCME doesn’t trust me and isn’t making clinical progress. What to do?

Answer: Without trust, their healing is in serious doubt. The parents couldn’t do it but you can. You are not giving them a drug that works with or without an emotional connection established. That’s why MDs can get away with having no personality and a cold, arrogant veneer of thinking they are the healing. Thinking T12 is out of alignment and will cure the kid is sophomoric thinking and just not true. Look to your Baseline Assessment and the clues are there in plain sight.