TNR Happenings, November 15, 2021

TNR Happenings 11.15

A Familiar Face

Those fortunate to be at our last training were graced with the presence of a Miracle Training client of mine. This young man was here for a week for a tune-up. He has been seen many times on the Reservation. Below is an excerpt from an email the mother sent to me today. She speaks not only about me but also about our group, who collectively are helping this young man get on with his life. TNR is a voluntary community of like-minded people serving others. The other young man she speaks of in the writing was a person from North of the Border who ghosted me and bailed without so much as a word; another captive of fear who underestimates the price of forward change in life. Oh well, a life of purpose and meaning is reserved for those who can harness their fear long enough to begin their journey.

“It was incredible to see the familiar surroundings, Tess giving the tour and recounting the places that he now drives to, without a map. Incredible to reconnect with the people that supported and then provide inspiration to keep moving towards goals and not let it slide. Incredible to know you have this kind of support available. I am sad for the young man that could not make it, as it would have been a wonderful starting place for him where he could always look back and build from the foundation. I know it is hard to make that first step. Thank you for the intense commitment you are making, to the ones with courage.” 


Love Has No Color News

We are coming down to the final days of our fundraiser. Because of the plandemic, we need to purchase gifts way ahead of time to ensure they get to the Reservation on time. Some big fish would really help with our first foray of adding the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. A special thanks to members who have directed Dr. Julie to websites that feature first-class discounted toys. 

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

From the Mind of Miyagi


It’s not the only way out! 

A fragile, unspoken, and inconvenient truth of dealing with DCMEs/ Level 2s is the ever-present danger of suicide. It lurks in the background like dark, sinister storm clouds on the horizon. To say it comes with the territory is an understatement, understood only by a handful of courageous DCs/NDs.  Regardless of whether it is physical suffering or the more invisible mental and emotional suffering, the stakes are high with chronic changes in anyone’s quality of life. No matter how brave any of us profess to be, there is a limit to our suffering. In the world they are familiar with, there seems to be no way out. Believe it or not, the world they hail from offers little, if any, solutions. They are forcefully thrown into a prison without bars or walls that they didn’t ask to be in. There are lots of self-proclaimed experts like we see with the covid debacle, but the reality is, the emperor is naked. Our society is ill-equipped to deal with invisible diseases from PTSD to concussions, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, depression, etc. In your own mind, you may think that there must be predictable solutions to this issue, but you would not be correct. 

War is not a strategy for peace any more than fighting disease is for health; yet no matter the cost or ineffectiveness, it has been here for centuries with no end in sight. For every limited concept that continues to plague our society, there is an accompanying type of thinking that holds the unwanted in place. Many people think some type of psychologist, medication, shock therapy, etc. should produce results in this category. Surprise, surprise, if they were only aware of the clinical results, they would think differently. Pull the curtain back and you will see a bald guy with a microphone, not a wizard. This is kind of like doing CPR: maybe 15% successful on a good day and yet it’s the gold standard. But is it really? Treatment of cancer follows the same dogmatic, low-resonating, and flawed reasoning. With our current worldwide hoax, innocent people who don’t resonate high enough are forced into trusting and believing in a man (a grandfather-type figure) they don’t know. How many more lives will be lost? People don’t understand that the ones profiting from the ‘gain of function research’ are doing the same research that was done by Nazis on undesirables during WW2. Under the smoke screen of a world war or a pandemic, atrocities are committed at the expense of human life. This man is the highest-paid person in our government and has served under many presidents, so they think he must be good. This type of genocidal thinking will not change without a corresponding change in consciousness, not by letting others do the thinking for you, like sheep. Injecting recombinant RNA into children who have a .0034% mortality falls in line with this tragic type of thinking. The same society that created a global hoax that placed profit over human life and got away with it instead of being brought up on war crimes or crimes against humanity is once again attempting to resolve issues it doesn’t understand and doesn’t care to. Suicide for stateside wounded warriors is up 20% since the man-made bioterrorism called covid. As Einstein said, the thinking that created the problem cannot solve the problem. Throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve it, it just gives the appearance that something is being done. Cancer groups, disease groups, hospitals, and environmental pollution criminals all demonstrate this similar magical thinking. In the judicial system, crime is being worked on with the same resonation and low, low results. Prison is not punishment; it rehabilitates the criminal back into a useful comrade with full powers of citizenship, including voting.   

 Read between the lines of this intake from a mother scared to death that her daughter is going to opt-out. The more impotent care and services provided for her, the deeper and deeper she gets until she finds herself in the killing zone.  

“She would have fits of rage; throwing things, hitting walls, screaming if things did not go her way. She cut herself once, starved herself to lose weight, and cut one side of her hair because she was angry. She was found to have engaged in sexting and yet felt no remorse or wasn’t concerned about anyone finding out. Her behaviors were risky and dangerous. She was given many tools and services to help her but she refused to cooperate.

 In college she began drinking till blacking out, she dabbled in drugs and was less attentive to studies yet academically she passed all of her classes. One night of drinking and drugs there was an incident that occurred in some woods with 4 young men and another girl. She had never been able to recall anything from that night. She was found partially clothed, screaming, and running toward campus police yet no one was able to decipher what happened. The campus police did not investigate and the hospital did not do any workup or sexual abuse testing. We did not know about any of this as they did not release the information to us, saying only she was intoxicated and had to go to the hospital. From that day on she has not been able to return to campus. She began having panic attacks, unable to breathe. She would attempt to go back to campus only to call to come home. She called 911 while at school because of her anxiety and inability to breathe. She was hospitalized twice for panic attacks and placed on various anti-anxiety and depression medications. She had side effects resulting in facial and vocal tics and her OCD was at a level never seen before. The answer from the medical community was to continue to medicate and to layer the drugs as needed to help with the other symptoms.

 After the inpatient hospitalizations, she remained in outpatient programs for several weeks. The anxiety continued with her going to urgent care multiple times for her “shortness of breath” and calling 911 multiple times for the same reason. The house was in constant chaos. She would wake everyone up at all hours of the night screaming she could not breathe. She constantly monitored her oxygen level. She was becoming more and more focused on physical ailments that could be possibly affecting her. Her fear of not being able to breathe resulted in her being extremely angry, punching things, throwing things more than we had ever seen. She would run through the house screaming for help; that she was going to die.

 The screaming, shortness of breath, complaints of needing help, increased OCD and tics were not going away. No medication was helping and she was placed on Ativan 3x per day as needed. She was needing them frequently and was unable to stop her feeling of not breathing. I believed she would end up killing herself. I would hide the knives in the house, never leave her alone, and checked on her frequently at night. I was at my wit’s end. When I found Dr. Kevin I felt like it would be my last chance to save her and get my daughter back.”

 This is an invisible world that people don’t ask to join; rather they are summoned to it and, as a result, will be surrounded by self-proclaimed experts that have Little League level batting averages. You may ask what does all of this have to do with ‘my back, my back’ and what can I do as a DC/ND? That’s the problem, it has nothing to do with aches and pains. Your DCME training has to reflect above and beyond the kiddie pool of cricks and sprains. Ask anyone outside of TNR about such a forbidden topic and you will get a quizzical look of bewilderment. Before you can help a person in quicksand, you must develop your own DCME muscles. If you throw a rope with a bucket attached to each quicksand circumstance, you will need to have strong arms to pull them out. No substitutions or imitations will get the job done. A long time ago CG Jung (Freud, Jung, and Adler were the developers of what we now consider psychological analysis) spoke about the three characteristics that define discerning people: insight, courage, and endurance. In our particular application, that insight is having someone in your life (Miyagi ) that stands up to your past history and programming and reminds you over and over there is a better way of looking at this, to not be trapped by old thinking and behaviors that don’t serve you any longer. This someone will say no to you, not yes, like your spouse, CAs, family, and friends. A missing resource in society throughout the ages is courage. Many of us know what truth is but we don’t have the courage to actualize it in our lives. Endurance is the ability to hang in there when things are not certain and suffering abounds. Just this one characteristic will change the world and assist many people who are in the dragon’s world to stay alive.

In our society, the minimal will be asked from us in exchange for our subservience and submission, along with acceptance of any slop that is thrown our way. Having our freedom stolen from us, we will in turn supposedly be granted acceptance from the surrogate parents (a company will take care of us), and we will have independent thinking removed from our daily duties. We will be forced to obey unjust rules, adapt to the rules that favor disease instead of health, and be dominated by a meme called health insurance that rewards you for becoming sick. This is the same demented thinking used for 6 rapists per 1,000 go to jail, no safety belts on school buses, and tenure for teachers regardless of how ‘Below the Line’ their teaching happens to be. Ideas leave not their source. A teacher who just gets by and does nothing for their students still remains slinging slop to subservient, beta minds of the next generation. A high resonating, caring, and courageous teacher can change the life of their students for a lifetime. Which person do you want to be?

 After someone you are connected to takes their own life, your old programming immediately kicks in and seizes the opportunity to dump more guilt and blame (as if anyone needs more!) into your plummeting consciousness/resonation. “What could I have done differently?” ” It’s my fault.” This is like when parents divorce and a small child asks themselves what they did to cause their parents to split. Observe a grieving process, but let the experience inspire and motivate you to save the life of the next individual. Don’t let an unfortunate tragedy paralyze you from acting with insight, courage, and endurance for the next person you have the opportunity to save. The same thinking abounds in relationships. “I’m never going to date again because men/women can’t be trusted.” Sitting on the bench is not a solution and the problem continues to fester unchecked and unseen.

 Think about how the stats for suicide on the Fort Peck Reservation have gone down. There have been 2 youth suicides in the last 5 years. It was not fixed or cured yet the scientific world wants to take credit for something they did not do. They don’t even see, acknowledge, or believe it happened because they didn’t have anything to do with it. Believe it or not, they are developing a vaccine for suicide. You have to dig a bit to find the information, but billions are already being spent on developing it. Just like the mortality rate for children with covid, they only have to produce minimal, if any, results to steamroller a low resonating, low discerning public that is more like sheep than humans. In direct contrast, a small group of high resonating individuals included these kids (LHNC) as their surrogate kids and parented them by holding space, protecting them, and loving them. We knew there must be a better way, we shared that way with them, and they accepted it. The results were produced independently of FaceBook likes, applause, or approval from the majority. Kenny Smoker allowed TNR the opportunity to change the world and we were fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. Historic you might say. We do what we do because it’s the right thing to do.   


DCME Confidential


Please read from the Mind of Miyagi.