TNR Happenings, November 22, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving


Get your last-minute donations in! It's crunch time for the elves at TNR. Most of the gifts have been ordered and we are waiting for the last push of donations. If there are any big fish donors out there, now is the time to contact them. Dr. Julie has not only been tirelessly working on gift selections but doing the metrics of each Reservation and matching the gifts as best as she can. Boy, will these kids be surprised by the gifts as they are dialed in for maximum fun factor. We accept donations all year round so know that we will accept late donations.

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

A New Puppy

Our sacred firekeeper, Brent, just became the proud father of Whiskey, a black German Shepherd.  Whiskey has a beautiful disposition and he is already making friends with the rest of the Pallis pups. He is a winner to be sure! He will join 8 other dogs for Thanksgiving at Drs. Christy’s and Cliff’s new house.  


From the Mind of Miyagi


Happy Thanksgiving! I have so many things to be grateful for. I’m especially grateful for TNR’s high-resonating, loyal group that actually gets stronger in the face of adversity. This is a feeling that few people will ever experience in their lifetimes. TNR members live a life of purpose and meaning rather than the myths of childhood that were foisted on them. The higher the resonation of the individual, the higher the personal power is, and the more choice is embraced. Then everything becomes voluntary (cooperative, based in power) for the highest good of all, rather than competitive (feudal, totalitarian, might vs. right). Being fear derived or force-based is mired in resistance and is the father of socialism and communism. It’s so counterintuitive but the more independence you earn meritoriously the more choice you have, and the more you want to remain with those precious few who encourage, inspire, and support you to be birthed in freedom, rather than enslaved in dependence.

TNR is a community (not a society) where all of us have individually and collectively experienced a common transformation. As a result, our new behavior takes in all the available data and information so we can make our own decisions. This is so different than being a sheep. The transformation can’t be sold, borrowed, or conferred; it must be earned. No matter how close a person is to you, they do not understand this concept. Spouses, parents, in-laws, siblings, and cousins all chime in about everything you do, especially when it doesn’t match up with their expectations. What happens when your parents attempt to shame you into rolling up your sleeve? Do you respectfully tell them to stand down? Or do you sheepishly let their outdated and woefully silly musings about something they don’t know one iota about affect you? Imagine a non-doctor telling a doctor that they must be subservient to a corrupt political system that neuters, emasculates, and punishes its citizens. They taunt you like you are a 10-year old and repeat the mantra of the day: what happens when you can’t make your income, feed your family, or pay your bills? They are the unpaid advocates of social order, even if they are slaughtering their own children. Urghhh! Use your TNR training in all areas of your life, especially when the shadow of scarcity, consensus, and limitation and lack rears its ugly head. Whether it’s the government, one of the 4200 varieties of religions,  your parents, or your spouse, someone is always telling you what to do and what is best for you. What do you do when your spouse is threatening to have your kids jabbed? What happens when your spouse is faced with rolling up their sleeves or losing their jobs? You would be shocked if you could see what really goes on when you aren’t around. You will really see who people are and what they stand for in this age of totalitarianism.           

I’m told there is a chant that has been happening in football stadiums that says one thing but the authorities or powers-to-be try to tell you what you heard: “Let’s Go Brandon”. These are two different chants but they don’t want anyone to think they heard the real chant. I hope you don’t gloss over this concept, it’s at the core and essence of being a long-time TNR member. Another example of this is when you enter a hospital, you think you will discover health, and the powers-to-be tell you what can and can’t be done. The most important factor is profit and keeping the party line of pharmaceuticals running the show. When your case is deemed hopeless or terminal, it’s not the end of the road unless you agree to let someone else dictate your life. From marriage to racism, war, and pollution, ideas leave not their source. In other words, the same kind of thinking is found in all areas of life. There are answers, just not where the consensus or the ones who just can’t think for themselves believe they will find it. It’s the price they pay for being puppets in all areas of their lives. This is just like people telling you what you heard was not what you heard.

 Did you ever wonder where all of the practice members who refused to attend your HAS have gone? Too smart and smug to be in the classroom, this narcissistic and arrogant way of not thinking is found in all areas of life. Look at your parents, siblings, and spouses. Because they don’t have a compass and have no idea of what health is or how it is developed, they will roll their sleeves up and demand you do the same. Imagine the ignorant telling the informed how to live: the antelope pissing on the lion. This is the world that we live in, like it or not. The only answer is to have compassion, understanding, and a ruthless intolerance to resistance of any type from anyone. When the goalposts have been moved, as we see now, you will be exposed as a warrior or wimp. Don’t turn into a fundamentalist or a know-it-all. You have an inner strength, although unnoticed by comrades, that saves the lives of those who still have eyes that see and hearts that feel.   

Politics, drug companies, and agendas are fully invested to influence people to their ways of thinking. 350 billion dollars is awarded to the drug maker of the vaccine to now treat the plague. It’s the same formulation that was laughed at and made fun of earlier when this drug manufacturer was not involved. It was wrong then and now it’s right. Ideas leave not their source. In a high-profile murder trial, politics used all of its influencers as they tried to not allow the judicial branch to do its job. Like the chant at a football game, the powers to be censored the event and tried to tell us what to think. This trial had an overwhelming amount of evidence and yet it turned out to be a media circus. Justice was not the spotlight; it was people trying to influence others on how to think. Independent thinking of the crime at hand was not necessary or welcomed. Think about the drug and ghetto murders that happened during this trial. One social media platform estimates there were hundreds of murders and asked why all of this attention was focused on this one? Societal programming happens when people turn on their devices; they are being played, influenced, and their mind is put to sleep. We see this with our parents when they turn on the news or with other generations when they turn on the internet or social media platforms. What happened to their sensibility and intelligence? They turn on the news every day for hours at a time. And they still preach their advice, expectations, and opinions about things that are so far over their heads or resonation level. 

The answer to all of this puppetness, pussification, and political agenda is to keep training. Even if you happen to find yourself behind the Iron Curtain, schedule a Head-to-Head. The solutions to your problems are not dependent on your imprisonment. Whether you are locked down or not, you need solutions NOW! There are ways of getting you back and forth without quarantining. At the very least, do a Zoom Head-to-Head.  It’s that important. I don’t care what those around you have to say about this (spouses, siblings, parents, the big-mouth nurse). They will never appreciate the predicament you are in. They do not think or exist in serving people (the humanitarian model); rather they are hell-bent on imposing their beliefs on you even if it means losing your business, wealth, or life. Losing your grip on sanity leads to disastrous results. Living in resonation poverty to fit in with a society that agrees with having freedoms seized is not consistent with life. TNR trains the mind to act independently of the majority of low resonating, self-proclaimed experts. Imagine if you were on trial for murder with 12 of your peers. Do you want the non-believers who are low resonating to decide your fate? Do you want the ones who won’t show up at a HAS to learn about health for a lifetime to determine your fate? They refuse to get better and they foist their ignorance on the next generation. The crime takes a back seat to who is calling the shots, the bureaucracy, as they exert pressure on everyone to censor outcomes based on agenda and not the law. The constitution says you cannot demand a person ingest a poison to keep their jobs. Doing the right thing has never meant less to the misguided majority. My answer is the most unpopular answer: more training to receive insight into understanding yourself and your behaviors that still imprison you, and removing the shackles so you can reach unlimited levels of achievement. You are going to need deep roots of health to live in freedom, rest assured.


DCME confidential


Question 1: Is it my imagination or do most people underestimate the severity of their problems? 

Answer: It’s not your imagination. We see person after person wearing masks and thinking that is the solution to their health problems. What does one illusionary man-made disease have to do with overall health? Either the masks don’t work or the vaccine doesn’t work…or both! 

Question 2: Is it my imagination that most people underestimate the amount of work necessary to correct, reverse, or improve serious illness? 

Answer: You’re right again! Try talking sensibly about the plandemic and you will get the same rejection. Your DCME/Level 2s are in desperate circumstances and have an open-minded ingredient that makes all the difference. Don’t ever compromise your recommendations for public approval as you won’t get the job done. Remember, people don’t know what they need, only what they want, and they talk smack about things way above their pay grade.