TNR Happenings November 23, 2020

TNR Happenings 11.23

Family celebrations

As the current pandemic attempts to undermine traditions that date back to the beginnings of the European Invasion, remember that only through joining can the sacred inner greatness of all people be brought to the surface. Celebrating family, friends, spirit, and the non-linear have become illegal and its ‘home arrest’ mentality has expanded to tell you what to do and who to do it with: groups under 10 and stay connected via a heavily censored internet. This is a glaring example of a substitution for relationships, much like fighting against disease is not true health. Nurturing and caring for people is done together, not isolated. In ancient times, the worst penalty a society could do was banish you to isolation on some deserted island or forest. If you abandon a baby at birth, the effect is a failure to thrive. This lack of connection is witnessed in post-traumatic stress disorder when you switch the ‘goal posts’ and say that specific killing was accepted and encouraged. This loss of liberty with isolation and sacrifice goes way beyond a single day of celebration.

We have seen this multiple times in history when the powers to be have introduced a common enemy. We have been asked to drop anything we were doing to fight this real or imagined enemy, even if it’s invisible.  We have seen this with racist laws in this country, in Germany, in Communist countries, in India with ‘untouchables’.  The government has a huge job to do for sure but has severely overstepped boundaries with utter disregard for anything they don’t consider ‘essential’.  For the people, by the people has now been changed for by the person, for the person, carefully social distanced and gagged with a mask so no dissenting views can be uttered.  Universal income gets closer and closer to the homeland formerly known as the US.  Wonder if the economic health of families (closed down small businesses) is considered essential?  If your relatives are too frightened to attend your celebration, let them stay home.  Take a rain check on the banalities of Facetime and Zoom with people who have given up their thinking and common sense and have succumbed to the mass hysteria. As high resonating TNR members, we realize the sacredness of relationships has been stolen under the guise of being a good comrade and doing what you are told. A special note to any lost wanderers who can’t have a physical meeting with loved ones: there is a plate at the table for you at the Pallis Ranch on Thanksgiving.


Is gift-giving a lost art?

With all of the silliness out there, gift-giving has been relegated to shopping online and returning it a couple of times due to the wrong color, size, not what you thought, etc. It’s such a lost art of actual physical shopping. Nothing picks you up like getting an unexpected gift. When was the last time a gift really knocked you out?  I gave Dr. Julie a Zero Radius John Deere lawnmower for Mother’s Day one year and that put a big smile on her face. That’s the gift you need to give your spouse, kids, etc. It’s no time to cheap out. Don’t buy into the recession. Historically, our members are great experiential shoppers and strictly first-class, knowing there is more where that came from. They know just what to get loved ones.

A special thank you to Dr. Lizzie for the tin of chocolate and white chocolate covered Oreos. They lasted only 24 hours. Scrumptious!


Christmas on the Reservation

If you collected toys, gifts, and clothing, UPS them to Kenny Smoker immediately. If you have monetary donations, use our charity.gofundme site or purchase gifts on and use free shipping with Prime. There is an elf at TNR headquarters that has been shopping for gifts for the last couple of weeks. I can’t wait to see the kids' faces when they receive this year’s gifts! If you have any last-minute donations, we could sure use them! Thank you to all members who made this year the most special to date. If there was ever a year to take a mulligan, it would be this year. Not so with our group.

What's happening at Kenny's office:

Presents Kenny's office

Practice tip of the week

The power of reactivation! You and your CAs should go through your list of departed practice members and call them. If they don't answer, leave a message saying we miss you and state your hours for this week. A friendly voice in the times of despair we face is like sunshine on a cloudy day. It gives people hope and demonstrates your courage and true colors. Your responsibility is to do it, not their response. It’s time to put Chiropractic where it belongs: on the front lines instead of sitting on the bench.


What are you thankful for?

Ask yourself what are you thankful for and who are you thankful for. When you are focused on a constant basis for gratefulness, the resentment and regrets go down in our lives. Don’t just be grateful on holidays, be grateful every day and tell the people you love you are grateful to have them in your lives. Like the concentric circles and threshold diagram, our grievances build up over time, and then we react to something little with lots of anger and inappropriate emotions.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Any of you that have even casually glanced at the works of Dr. David Hawkins know about his concept of resonation. In his book, Power vs. Force, he mentioned that most of the world suffers from a lowered resonation and, as a result, is prey to all types of mass manipulation, bamboozlement, and deceit. Notice how your family, in-laws, etc. are behaving? Who are these people? They are the same people as before, you just couldn’t see it because your awareness wasn’t high enough. When you are high-resonating, the world doesn’t understand you, your concepts, your behavior, etc. It’s easy to feel like an outsider helping people who fail to recognize your intent or kindness. Watch Searching for Sugarman. This is a documentary on an iconic 70’s music artist who nobody in the US knew about, yet millions of his records were sold in South Africa and he didn't even know about it. He was never recognized, acknowledged, or paid. He is a modern example of a mystic totally misunderstood by all of the low-resonating people around him. How could you be unknown as a Native Son in your own country?

I am thankful to be part of a group of leaders and doctors who are truly in service of others and often find themselves in harm’s way of doing just that. Don’t people know that testing positive means nothing? Don’t people know that cases are not deaths and mean nothing? Since when do you need a lab test to tell you that you are sick? Don’t people know about the massive incentives that are paid to claim the cause of death was Covid? Now, especially north of the border, people are being incentivized and encouraged to squeal on each other for heinous crimes of leaving your prison, having guests, or anything that gets in the way of being a good comrade. It’s pitting person against person as unpaid representatives of the new fascist, health (disease) regime.

Since when did we lose our freedom of choice to live our lives as we see fit, including the ways to keep healthy? What’s next? A law against being overweight? Do you think you need to be tested to know if you’re overweight? How about a law against having coronary artery disease, diabetes, Alzheimers, not being college-educated, etc.? Are they developing a miracle vaccine against poverty, addiction, and mediocrity? Are they putting profit over people with deceit and corruption?

Don’t be consumed by the mass hysteria by acting as a lay person. One of our family members had to cancel his daughter's wedding due to the lockdowns. He asked me for my thoughts.  I asked him why he would listen to the authorities? I told him to have the wedding at his house. The people who dare step across the imaginary laws that forbid meeting in public with over 10 people are welcome. The others will miss the sacred ceremony. I mentioned not do it via Zoom because it would make a mockery out of it. He was worried that they could get in trouble, be socially traced, and fined. Too bad.

Let other Chiropractic offices close their doors and refuse to serve their people. Do they comply with the laws because they think it’s a good idea? Are they afraid of spreading or catching a disease? Are they saving their own skins? Don't think and do what sheeple do. This is an unprecedented invitation to grow, putting principles above mass hysteria. Several members are doing just that. We all need to have exponential growth to serve our patients.  Just like we are demonstrating to the world that the kids on the Reservation are not hopeless cases, we need to demonstrate that health is the solution, not more fighting against the Johnny come lately disease. Grow, grow, grow in the teeth of mass deception.


DCME confidential


How are your practice members supposed to really get to know who you are and what you stand for? The answer is Level 2 care. They don’t get that with Level 1 care. With Health Awareness Seminars facing more and more resistance, restrictions, and falling out of favor with the average DC, all DCMEs will come to multiple Health Awareness Seminars! The solution to the world’s problems isn't by not giving people temporary symptomatic relief. Stop letting practice members tell you they don’t require this level of care. Remember they are coming to you for expert advice and to have their needs served. Low back pain relief will not change the world or a person’s trajectory in life.

Don't forget to purchase the 21-Day DCME Video Program for your DCME patients!