TNR Happenings, November 29, 2021

TNR Happenings 11.29 (1)

The Love Has No Color Elves Are Very Busy!

Please get all of your money donations to us this week and ship your presents via UPS so they reach the Reservation in time. Please note: Love Has No Color accepts donations all year long on the website; just click the Donate Now button and the donation will be processed through PayPal. Yes, the majority of funds are received during the BootCamp/Fun Days and Christmas on the Reservation fundraisers; however, a trickle comes in all year long, including tithing. We still have some last minute purchases to make: underwear, socks, t-shirts, etc. We are very proud of each and every one of you with your HUGE effort in helping a sister Reservation in addition to Fort Peck. Being humanitarian is a conscious choice that is available to everyone. It takes persistent effort and courage to demonstrate to an unbelieving world what a small group is capable of. Don’t waste your time and effort convincing people to be humanitarian; rather, give them an opportunity to show their true colors. Believe it or not, it’s in everyone. It’s all about doing the right thing.

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

Are You Joining Us On The Reservation?

Let headquarters know if you are planning on attending this year’s Christmas on the Reservation. Email your arrival and departure flight information. If you are driving, let us know what time you plan to arrive.


The Next Training Event Will Be In January 

The date will be announced later this week. In light of the world going berserk, TNR training is no longer optional. Confusion, fear, mandates, and lost jobs are all around us. It doesn’t matter what you believe, you are not above being worn down by government censored news, social media, and all of the brainwashed people who think they know the truth when they don’t. Talk about arrogance: lay people keep adding their opinions about something they don’t know a thing about. There is more emotional and mental turmoil with people we know. To continue to be that beacon of light, you need a constant and continual input of high resonating concepts. You can’t just perform your tasks and think you are insulating yourself against the consensus of what the low resonating majority believes. How do we get worn down you ask? Spouses that are not so sure what to think about the pandemic. If you weren’t around would they act differently? Have you seen all of the kids’ faces that look let down? Even with masks on, you can’t miss the look of sadness and powerlessness in their eyes. How about in-laws, parents, friends, the nurse down the street, etc.? The weekly TNR coaching calls connect the experiential events, not the other way around. The experiential events create the breakthroughs. If it were only the coaching calls, it would be more like a Zoom format where you can just sit there and nod yes. Transformation can only be experienced, not observed.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Throughout my journey in TNR, I have observed something that most either don’t see or don’t want to see. In our society, being wealthy is a coveted position since so many idolize wealth. It doesn’t matter how you earned your fortune, just that you can flash the bling. When most enter the world of TNR, a massive increase in income is a part of the equation. So is caring for people, getting results others can’t, being a better partner and parent, being humanitarian, etc. If the attainment of wealth becomes your central focus you may achieve great levels of wealth. However, without the foundation of compassion, humility, and the love of Chiropractic, there is a hidden enemy lurking around the corner called arrogance.

You need water to live, however, you can also drown in it. Sure, as a member of TNR you can expect exponential growth in income. But if this increase does not have a foundation of personal growth and a feeling of connectedness to all people, you will have a good chance of becoming arrogant, feeling superior to people, and following one’s own agenda. Individuation is a term coined by Jung that meant doing work on one’s own self to smooth out the rough edges to be less heavy, controlling, and needy around others and to not waste your personal power attempting to change things that are outside of your control. The concept of “ideas leave not their source” comes to mind. This concept is found throughout our culture. It imbues all of our thinking. We don’t just pollute our environment, we pollute our own bodies, space, and water sources with no care about consequences. Might makes right. An obvious example of this is the Manifest Destiny which states that white people are better, more God-like, smarter, more civilized, etc.

Has anything really changed? Does this character of thinking actually accompany all of our concepts and thinking? Man has proclaimed himself smarter and more reliable than Innate Intelligence not only in the treatment of disease, but in deciding which people deserve death and which ones can live. What is behind all of this: the god of economics. Is there profit in war? Is there profit in disease? Is there profit in human suffering? We just don’t get that anything out of moderation spells trouble. Purpose and meaning of life go right out the window and are replaced by the expectations of our culture. Imagine devaluing the mystery, the infinite, and the unexplainable and replacing it with the limited mind of man. Don’t you see the arrogance?   

When someone thinks they are better than others, they are inviting shadows into their lives. It takes so much personal power, belief, and inflation to keep this illusion alive. It also compensates for an inner lack of worthiness. You feel like you have to prove to every one that you ‘have it’ when you know you don’t. I have coached many 7-figure earners in over two decades. Most have worn their wealth very well and are a pleasure to be around.  Others are on the hamster wheel of ‘it’s never enough’ and it is all consuming.

Have you heard me say to advanced TNR members, “you’ll look good in wealth”? This means they’ve done the foundational work to accept wealth and not to adopt arrogance as a way of separating themself from bettering themself. There is a reason lottery winners or many sports stars are broke within a few years. There was no foundation to accept the new lifestyle. Things get so complicated very quickly if you aren’t prepared. TNR will prepare you. 


DCME Confidential


Question 1: How long should I give a couple to decide about Level 2 care for their child?

Answer: It should be a short, defined time. Mine is 24 hours. For others it’s a few days. Don’t ever leave it open-ended. A definite no is much better than we’ll see or I’ll be in touch.  

Question 2: DCME cases are sure exciting but I long for the easier, predictable Level 1 cases where people say, ‘my back, my back.’ Why is that? 

Answer: Certainty leads to boredom. Try that same thinking with your children. Send them to their next tests with all the answers and see how you kid turns out. Challenges and not necessarily having all the answers, brings out our true gifts, along with not aiming low and thinking we have done something. The trajectory of a practice member’s life will not be changed with symptom relief, no matter how many times you do it. Miracles are a thing to behold!