TNR Happenings November 30, 2020

TNR Happenings 11.30

A mountain of gifts

The kids on the Reservation are sure in for a huge surprise! Toys, sporting goods, coats, sneakers, hovercrafts, and stuffed animals are some of the items that have been sent to the Reservation. If you haven’t shipped yours, do so immediately. You can still donate, as well. Head elf of LHNC, Dr. Julie has never seen anything like it! The sheer number from each of our offices is at historic levels. The kindness and the willingness to go the extra mile is a constant characteristic of TNR members. Don’t take for granted how rare each and every one of you are. In a 9 month, unprecedented era of excuses, not thinking for yourself, being told what to do, and not filling our promise to the kids is not an option.

The travel team has been set!

Small, but mighty, the individuals that will represent our group have been named. We have no idea what we will experience, but we are ready for anything. Will there be kids in the schools? Will we deliver door to door? Will it be a so-called contactless delivery system? Will we be allowed to hug the kids or be asked to stay behind a plexiglass wall? One thing is for certain, the kids will be receiving Christmas gifts this year!


Resolution or amelioration article

A brand new practitioner wrote this article for his practice members. He is separating himself from the dozens of other DCs in his area! It won’t be long before he is not appreciated in his area by lots of jealous and envious DCs that want his ambition, compassion for helping others, and commitment. You won’t find it snapping your fingers or on a video on YouTube. He is teaching and guiding his people to a new concept in health instead of doing what everyone else is doing: spreading disease. He is doing essential work.

Resolution in Health vs Amelioration of Symptoms

This is the Renegade difference in a nutshell. It's something that may or may not seem like common knowledge, but regardless it is rarely common practice. This is the difference between the problem and the solution. It usually starts with the endless onslaught of self-help books, online gurus, “biohacking,” health apps, the right pillow, Paleo, Keto, Carnivore, all the trendy bright shiny objects (BSOs), searching the internet for more information, and ends with the same disappointment of still having the same problems or having more problems than you started with. In a world where we have access to almost anything at the swipe of a finger, it's hard to know who to trust. We all want to believe that the next thing we try is going to be “the one.” We hope it's going to be the one small change that makes everything better and all of our struggles disappear. Who wouldn’t want that?

In a world of instant gratification, it can be difficult to understand that all true things in life take time. Let’s face it, if you’re looking for quick, immediate symptom relief, there’s a good chance you can find that in the ever-growing aisles at your local Walmart, Target, Walgreens, etc. Amelioration of symptoms is one of the largest industries in the world. The only problem is that is usually temporary. Whether it's pills, shots, or the local dispensary (legalized, of course) the reduction in symptoms never lasts and must be constantly supplied, often in increasing dosage. This is true for so many regardless of symptoms. The unfortunate consequence of the immediate, temporary relief is the numerous side effects that occur down the road. (Just think of the ever-growing list of chronic health conditions.)

There is a difference between the amelioration of symptoms and a true resolution in health. It’s the same as getting liposuction vs working out to loose weight. The main difference: one takes more time and has to be earned. It’s the same with our health. Amelioration is only a temporary ceasefire from whatever has been nagging you, but deep down you know that you will have to find something palliative again in the near future. In other words, it only prolongs the problem. A Resolution in health is about addressing the cause right from the start. This takes time, energy, and effort, but in the end, produces a lasting change on a deeper level.

Think about something you had to work for in your life. Maybe it was a new car, relationship, degree, certification, job opportunity, or level of fitness. You had to earn it and are proud of it! It required you to make a commitment and stick to it, even when it was uncomfortable. Of course, there are always obvious benefits from the achievement of goals, but it is the mental and emotional fortitude that you get from knowing you gave your best effort and earned it. Your health is no different. What greater gift could you give to yourself and your loved ones than the best version of yourself? When you earn it, it's not something that can be taken away from you.

Renegade Chiropractic is about making the commitment to a true resolution in health. The amelioration of symptoms just won’t cut it anymore. We’re about being part of the solution, not the problem. This may seem like a big task, but rest assured you have the Renegade community in your corner that you can count on.

Your Fellow Journeyman,

Dr. Tyler


Practice tip of the week

Thank your practice members for believing in you, for coming out of their bunkers, and for their unwavering support of something other than watching passively as their freedom is being taken away from them. Put a poster up thanking them for their kindness during the toy drive and donations for Christmas on the Reservation. I will be writing a formal thank you letter that you can share. This can be used online as well.


From the Mind of Miyagi


The freedoms that we have taken for granted are being removed almost on a daily basis. It has occurred to me that it's only during times of mass hysteria and mind control that principles of freedom and leaders of all types emerge. A brand new member is opening her practice in the jaws of Covid. Financial people are lying to her left and right and blaming it on the Covid restrictions. The new anti-lockdown song by Eric Clapton and Van Morrison is an example of people not in the know who still know something deceptive is being carried out. If what we are being told even had a kernel of truth to it, going along with this silliness for 9 months should have at least yielded some results. It hasn’t. A flattening of the curve (and a decline in deaths) was suggested by government linguistic experts to make sense to laypeople with no scientific or academic training and to create fear, It's time to move on from shutting down economic platforms of the small as the amazons of the world grow even larger.

Now it is illegal to have a funeral or a wedding live. It’s now done with Zoom. Meeting in public is strongly discouraged. Martial law and curfews rule the world and freedom has fallen at the price of supposed security. What security? Where are all the principled Chiropractors? Don’t people know the fallacy of herd immunity? Forcing people to think, act and behave only one way is a travesty of the sacred rights of the individual.  Why are we being mandated to believe in a profit before people concept with a 99.9&% survival rate? When in the history of this nation has everyone been sentenced to one way solutions to problems? The freedom to choose has always been there until now.

There has never been an opportunity for TNR trained DCs like this in history. Health and immunity do not go out of style or become irrelevant. If masks or social distancing worked this farce would have ended by now and the perpetrators (the government, scientists, labs, and companies who created this version of bioterrorism or tool of mass destruction) would have been brought up on espionage charges against this country or perhaps even war crimes. Think about the drug Thalidomide and consider only pregnant people took it. Now with all people and children taking the new proposed cure with all of the safety testing postponed, the effects will be catastrophic. If you are principle-based, you are needed more now than ever!

Think you can take a vacation from patient education? Look at some of your people and how they have run for the hills and continue to hide in their basements. This is a by-product of ignorance, not certainty. The Buddha said the original sin is ignorance. Look at your own families and kids! In our very profession, we have ‘mortals’ (non-DC) that want their spouses to stop practicing because of the risk of bringing back the plague to their families. You can see brother and sister DCs (all with the same degree) shutting down their offices, downsizing, and being scared to death of an invisible foe with a 99.97% survival rate. Who could perpetrate such a genocide upon its own people?

 I am personally challenging each and every one of our members to increase your service levels. See more new patients, difficult cases, wellness, kids, and acute cases. Earn a minimum of $100,000+ on top of last year in the next 6 months. Don’t act like a layperson and wail and gnash your teeth. This is our time to shine. If you have a VIP person (doctor, business owner) who is lost and will accept help, refer them to TNR. Just like we do on the Reservation, we demonstrate who we are to a doubting population. We still have a sacred responsibility to do the right thing, with or without applause.


DCME confidential


Question 1: One of my DCMEs has been missing appointments, not having time for our special events, and is falling down on payments. What is going on?

Answer: They are losing altitude. What was fun in the beginning is not fun now. Chances are they are markedly improved and wish to stop participating in your office. Love them, inspire them, and understand the very people you are helping are looking to do the bare minimum  Every time you get a new DCME, get another one.

Question 2: You have to admit, there are limitations of Chiropractic so when do you know you have bitten off too much to chew?

Answer: Err on the side of miracles. Sure, chances are you are not going to see an amputated leg grow back, etc. You don’t make the call. You can’t aim Innate Intelligence and it doesn‘t care about what you believe or understand. Your job is to liberate it, step back, and let it do its work.