TNR Happenings, November 8, 2021

TNR Happenings 11.8

Miyagi Delivered!

Highlights were the consciousness of achievement, a guest called in from behind the Iron Curtain, a 98-day Miracle Training client who is now a member of TNR was in attendance, and a special guest with 90-days of Miracle Training joined us later in the afternoon! This training was historic, to say the least! Sure, we spoke about advanced ways to adjust, the mindset of handling Level 2/DCME cases, but more importantly, we demonstrated love in action. Instead of just saying a prayer, keeping you in your thoughts, hoping, wishing, or feeling sorry for someone, the training was about lifting the patient out of their frigid, dark, shark-infested waters. As I watched the TNR members care, answer questions, and advise my Miracle Training client, I couldn’t keep dry eyes. Like a proud parent, I got to watch my kids in action, just like they do at their offices. At our last training, members in attendance were fortunate enough to experience the 21-year old mentally and emotionally handicapped girl sing. The world is in good hands with trained TNR members in it. We see all the deception, lies, and war against our citizens, but time will expose this and all lies. We live in our truth and are an example of what a powerful, like-minded community can do for the world.     


Love Has No Color news

The push is on for donations. I am asking each office to dig down deep and help provide for the new Reservation. A big fish sure would help at this time. Dr. Julie spends many hours maximizing our donations with lots of advice and help from our young tech-savvy members about obscure websites offering first-class, discount toys. The window of opportunity will be open only for a couple of weeks as the shipping is compromised due to the hoax. Extra time has to be given to ensure the gifts arrive before we get there. 

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

From the Mind of Miyagi


Before being distracted by all the things that happen in an office, ask yourself this question: Does this move me closer to my goals? Here is a partial checklist of moving toward your goals:

Are you associating with inspiring, open-minded people by choice? Not all members of your family may not have this way of thinking, but you do choose who you hang with. Being asked about your Covid status is a waste of personal power and you will be pulled into low resonation by the masses of society. Your enemies are closer than you think and the enforcers of social policy probably are your family members. They can get to you by applying the necessary leverage of guilt and shame to get the job done. A real friend can have actions, behaviors, or thoughts different than you but they don’t foist them on you. 

The next box to be checked is being tolerant with resistance in your life. You must have a ruthless intolerance for resistance of any kind. If your CA isn’t with the program, find someone who is. Being just good enough doesn’t cut it. If your CA insists on wearing a mask and you don’t, she represents a house divided. She is demonstrating in YOUR office that she knows more than you do. She is an assassin hiding in clear sight.

Why aren’t there more DCME cases in your office? It doesn’t matter where you practice, as there are no shortages of these people anywhere. It’s your mindset that is stuck with, ‘my back, my back’. Are you looking for social acceptance or approval from people and aren’t able to stand in front of the liar and the lie? Seeing back pain only for a few decades will erode your spirit. Be aware of the true miracles awaiting you. The 18-year old DCME who was at the training stunned me with this statement: “What if you knew the truth but didn’t live the truth?” This kid is at a crossroads of mediocrity and greatness: living a life of purpose or a life consumed with drugs and broken dreams. Having the opportunity (not the guarantee) to influence this kid so he doesn’t waste his life gives great purpose and meaning to my life. It always has and always will.

It’s time to spend less office time and resources chasing your money with insurance reimbursement. If you realized the expense and heaviness of groveling for payment for services you have already rendered, you would do less of it instantly. More belief in the value of what you do will liberate you once and for all. This type of reimbursement is the same that is done for amputation, chemo, radiation, and the type of treatment for returning war personnel. Having no safety belts on school busses and only 6 rapists per 1000 rapes being convicted is the same type of thinking that created insurance reimbursement. An outside authority to form a wedge between you and the practice member is just what you don’t need.              

Start having more belief in what you deliver and more value for your economics. Is it time for a fee raise? Did you feel your eye twitch as you read this? “Doctor Kevin, I can’t raise my fees in the middle of covid.” Oh, yes you can. You can also raise your recommendations. Make an immediate shift to Level 2/DCME care. Stop accepting the limitations placed on you by society and something not of your making. You can’t help interest rates, inflation rates, wars, hospitals, hoaxes, or judicial systems, only what’s in your lane. Know the principles of TNR flow through you in all areas of your life. They are not restricted to just matters of clinical importance.   


DCME confidential


Question 1: My DCME/Level 2 patient is complaining that they don’t see any results and are threatening to quit. I’ve changed my technique 3 times and asked them for their feedback. What’s going on here? 

Answer: You’re being played. Imagine you are a parent with a toddler who doesn’t want to go to bed: “Can you check under my bed for monsters. Can you check in the closet? Can you get me water, please?” Take back control and realize not all results are noticed by the practice member. 

Question 2: Aren’t all cases Level 2? 

Answer: From a strictly clinical view, the answer is yes. You will never remove all the layers of compromise of the nerve system. As was stated above, moving toward Level 2 with all people, other than WC/Medicare/PI or other types of reimbursement for being sick, will establish new energy and resonation in your office.