TNR Happenings November 9, 2020

Tnr Happenings 11.9

Love Has No Color Donations & Gifts

Keep up the great work everyone. We have had some unexpected donations and gifts that have really helped. The chaos, confusion, and despair continue to rise on the Reservation with no end in sight. Schools and social services are crippled. For those who are traveling to the Reservation, thank you in advance for your service. Be flexible and bring no expectations of past years’ activities. We have no idea what awaits us. Do you have wealthy practice members that are in a position to really go over the top this year? Ask them for help, please. Flights have been changed and the latest version of my ticket has 2 stopovers on my way home. It’s the price we pay for keeping our word to a decimated group of kids and adults. Your practice members and your community must know this about you. Every practice member needs to know about Love Has No Color! See 'Practice tip of the week' below. Don’t miss your chance to do the impossible for these kids as tickets are still available to the Reservation.

Taylor Family Chiropractic received a huge donation of coats from an apparel company:


Practice tip of the week

Make sure you have a Love Has No Color wall set up in your office. There is so much hype out there today about popularity, being liked, and being accepted and nothing to do with capability, credibility, or what you stand for. It’s so easy to blend in and not stand out. It is so important that you demonstrate your character to your people. You don’t need to be on social media as a platform if you don’t care to. Don’t make the mistake of not having a wall set up. Invite people into your community of excellence. Blank walls do the same as wearing a mask…nothing! Dr. Lizzie has a spectacular Love Has No Color wall with tee shirts from every year! Everyone notices and comments on it year-round. Your office walls show off your community. Without leadership and constant creativity and input to your office, it gets boring and says nothing just like a medical or dental office. One important difference, they have millions upon millions of hours of programming and propaganda in every form of media that you will never have.  Nobody is going to do it for us, we have to do it ourselves. In past years, we would have Talking Walls. These were the New Patient Orientation charts that were matted and framed and put up around your office. They were rotated over and over.

Dr. Lizzie t-shirts

From the Mind of Miyagi


The world has changed. It didn’t happen overnight but it has been accelerated at warp speed with the current mass hysteria. Gone are ambition, excellence, Alpha, independent thinking, and not following the crowd. These have been replaced with just getting by, an unapologetic lack of excellence, beta, socialistic thinking, and believing anything you are told from authorities. For example, just think of your of professors at Chiropractic College. Sure, there were some who were successful and fully invested in helping students follow in their footsteps. Many others were frustrated, angry Chiropractors who felt Chiropractic had let them down and were now on a path to discourage Chiropractors to do what they had failed to do. Less than 5% of grads start their own practices. It’s hard just thinking about that last thought.

In Chinese (thanks for the info Dr. Sabrina) the word crisis can be broken down into danger and opportunity. What wisdom. Behind every crisis, there is indeed a hidden opportunity if you know it's there. In the movie, The Last Samurai, Japan was telling its citizens that an honored, ancient class of people were no longer needed because they were outdated and quaint. They were now more interested in modernization, information, and technology. Is this what is happening in Chiropractic? Where are the Samurais? We have been masked and prevented from speaking about immunity by our own regulatory boards, our views on health are censored in favor of being a good comrade, and real Chiropractic has completely been abandoned, replaced with a watered-down version that amounts to pain relief for adults. Don’t fight against things, grow your practice bigger than ever, in the teeth of a pandemic.                  

There is Samurai in all of us, although today it’s not popular.

This Samurai character with an Alpha orientation is needed now, more than ever, during this current crisis. Being a beta is certainly popular but the job won’t get done. Having Chiropractors close up shop and wait until it’s safe to come out of hiding won’t get the job done. Letting people in authority that don’t have wisdom run the show while w keep our mouths shut won’t get the job done. How could you not have a Health Awareness Seminar in these times? You know more about health than any official and yet you keep your dialogue confined to backs and necks? How tragic!

In line with the end of the Samurai, the next generation is observing their parents and elders defaulting to obedience instead of discerning thought. Taking the easy way out, doing what they are told, conforming to outdated, inaccurate, scientism instead of principles of health. Dogma gets such a hold on people that are low resonating, powerless, or intellectually lazy and lets such matters as freedom and liberty rest in the hands of authorities who profit from people quietly accepting anything that’s mandated into law. Remember, all social and civil law is only the beliefs of the people at the time. An illusion is not the truth, wisdom is not perception. Racism, Reservation policy, and crime are governed by such laws.

Chiropractors are missing out on the opportunity to infuse wisdom into a society that is bereft of anything that isn’t about profit, politics, or power. Now is the time for each and every one of us to shine. Don’t fight with people that are too scared to come out of their houses. Leave them where they are. Don’t attempt to bring back the dead. Work with people that have a glimmer of Samurai in them, that appreciate help rather than putting it down or ask if it’s for free. You don’t want a law to mandate people to use Chiropractic. When you force people to comply and remove individual choice for their good, you are firmly footed on a slippery slope. Think power vs. force here. Joining the masked world of betas is okay for people who choose not to be free. They are willing to be ruled by those who abuse their power by creating laws that force people to do unjust things. In times of crisis, the Samurai arises. It polarizes society and brings the hero in all of us out where we can see it instead of pretending it’s where it’s not.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I keep getting texts and emails from the spouse of a DCME. I’ve tried to be polite and cordial but they are questioning everything and want me to explain everything in detail to them. It started out with a question or two and now it is non-stop questions. Help! 

Answer: Stop immediately. This is a typical example of the antelope pissing on the lion,

a co-dependent or enabler getting under your skin.

Question 2: I have taken on a DCME and the challenges are getting progressively worse, not better. What should I do? 

Answer: Talk with me directly about it.  There are exceptions, legal ramifications, etc.  If DCMEs were easy, all DCs would be doing them. You’ve got to have heart, training, and an overriding orientation of belief in Chiropractic or you will get swallowed up.