TNR Happenings, October 11, 2021

TNR Happenings 10.11

Mr. Miyagi Training is on November 5th & 6th

This is a celebration of what can be done instead of studying, classifying, and diagnosing what can’t. Society has always had a fascination with disease, NOT HEALTH, and an obsession with problems, not the solutions. I have witnessed so many members over the years discover for themselves what Chiropractic is capable of, rather than having to settle for a watered-down version of back and neck care. When they were in Chiropractic College, Chiropractors had passion and hopefulness for this profession that is like no other. Then, by always attempting to measure up to society’s illusion of health, many became disappointed. Like the horizon, we’ll never get there. It’s not real; it’s a concept, but it’s not true. You know, do nothing proactive and then attempt to rediscover your health with a dizzying array of wizardry and sleights of hand. Don’t go to school and complain about being dumb and then ask a scientist or MD to give you brains (a la the Wizard of Oz) with an operation, etc. So many of our brother and sister practitioners live in the shadows of this illusion by being an inexpensive last-ditch afterthought of removing symptoms only. The song remains the same. Miyagi is an invitation to leave forever the silent generation of healers crushed by the allopathic machine: keep your mouth shut about true health to be accepted by the card-carrying majority of people that know not what they do. You will be financially rewarded for being a ‘back doctor’ as well as being accepted, no questions asked. No matter how many people embrace a lie or illusion, it doesn’t make it true. 

Miyagi Nov 6

Printed in our local newspaper

obit 2

This is the first paragraph of an obituary that was in our local newspaper. It is a blatant lie posted in plain sight. Do people see this, ignore this, or will they actually go to their deaths believing in more snake oil and traveling salesmen that invade every digital form of information, entertainment, news, and propaganda available today? Nothing has changed, they are just using much more efficient and profitable ways of misleading people for the sake of power and profit with no regard for the highest good of the people involved.


Love Has No Color news

Listen to this interview with Kenny Smoker speaking about Love Has No Color. Our fundraising for Christmas on the Reservation is kicking off and this is a great gift to share with your people. It is eighteen minutes long and was not made to entertain or amuse. It is about the harsh reality of what faces the kids on Reservations. Now that we are going to help a sister Reservation, we need to avail this to people who have a heart. Have this run in your office on a TV or a laptop. Send this via email to your email list, etc. Post it on your social media, etc. Invite people to do some good. Here is the link:


Dr. Lizzie’s Love Has No Color Fundraiser

Check out Dr. Lizzie’s post for her Love Has No Color Fundraiser:

Rise Chiro Harvest Fest

Words of love

Over the last few months, I’ve added some new parts to my book about Miracle Training for my private clients and I’ve rededicated Looking Through the Eye of the Dragon. This is the upcoming dedication page:

To my wife Julie who is truly an angel. Without her mothering of almost all of my Miracle Training clients, the world would not be on the receiving end of teens and young adults who have earned a second chance at life. Her love-infused meals, non-judgment, and quietly holding space for all those before her contribute as much or more than all of my healing abilities combined. Without her unique contribution, there would be no Miracle Training.


Practice tip of the week

Drop the excuses and stories that support you embracing the illusions of society. Don’t be a part of it. Don’t resist about it. This current plandemic has been in the works for years. It’s just another reason why people can’t be healthy. It takes its place with “I can’t afford it”, “I’ll have to ask my spouse”, and “Does insurance cover it?” And now we have the unhealthiest population in the supposed civilized world that has a nuclear powered excuse to stay away from your office. They actually get excited about being sick. They get rewarded on social media with more likes by playing their part of letting the world know via a digital bullhorn how Covid brought them to their knees. Sorry, no can do. Step up in your service to people while you still can. Don’t let anything get in the way of bringing Chiropractic to a sick society. Lay your hands upon the world.


From the Mind of Miyagi


The illusion of authority is yet another invisible concept that nobody you know questions or ever will. Who died and left certain people in authority? Teachers are actually all in and passionately involved in nurturing the young minds of tomorrow. Do you honestly believe that? They are one of the few professions that offers tenure so they can’t be fired, regardless of how their job is done. Don’t you see this as an incentive to attract people who are not otherwise committed? It’s like the Covid rewards of claiming death ($39,000 a body) or being put on a ventilator ($45,000 a body).  Do you think supposed royalty is a sound concept? A royal couple and a normal couple have a baby: one is exalted and the other is not. We know it’s not true, it’s sick, and yet we go along with it, unopposed. This has roots in brutal, feudal ruling systems that still exist today. Millions upon millions of people were butchered, removed from their native lands, or plundered in the name of their god, their king or queen, or their righteousness. This pseudo form of authority is a danger to all people. Not only is it outdated, but it also threatens the very existence of mankind.

Insurance companies are the authority of what gets covered in the illusion of disease care. Keep reading, don’t get fundamentalist or smug. Sure, lots of Chiropractors are rich with this system. This is to move you beyond the dependence on a system that has its roots based on deception, authority, and using force and profit against people. Only when you get sick (you lose) are benefits granted to you. Then they let you know the bad news, which is always in the fine print, that your disease is not covered or it was pre-existing. Even if it is partially covered, there is not enough coverage available to help you. And when you are partially healed, the coverage is yanked out from under you like a rug. Look at the sad state of affairs of the VA. Our returning warriors are treated like lab rats and denied the best care available to them. Their commitment was all in, up to and including, and they find out the authority are not all in. There were no clauses in their commitment: up to and including. Where are Chiropractors in this care, by the way, who are not limited to joint pain and mobility but to total body health, mind, body, and spirit? Most wounded warriors with PTSD, depression, rage, etc. have emotional and mental dimensions that contribute to their chronic states.

Let’s look at the judicial system. You won’t find justice in a courtroom any more than you will find health in a hospital. Ideas leave not their source. A truce is not peace. Someone wins and someone loses. It’s agreed upon how much someone wins and how much someone loses in the true spirit of victimhood. Conflict reigns supreme. This is the same thinking and resonation as all other artificial forms of authority. Criminals squeal on their cohorts and are granted a deal to receive less punishment or have their charges dropped, even though they committed the crime. What? If the authority system worked, you would not need the snitch factor. It would have truth behind it and, as you all know, it doesn’t. We see this in the US and Canada with its 311 hotlines for payoffs for squealers. Have you ever lost a dog? Go on, I dare you to call the animal control officer of your town. The odds you will face are similar to rapists. Six rapists serve time out of 1,000 rapes reported. Both of these examples employ the same odds and excuses: “I’m only part-time”, “We don’t have the resources”, “I’ll post a picture of your dog”.  If you’ve ever lost a four-legged family member, you know you have to take matters into your own hands. Some animal control personnel even go as far as suggesting getting a new dog. Authority or an illusion?     

A member had a conversation with a pharmacist about exemptions for this current episode of madness. He is a sympathetic and compassionate man who dispenses poison for a living. He told this member “to get with the program and that’s just the way of the world. The quicker you accept it, the easier it will be for you.” He then said something that only one reader will know to be true: “I would take out a life insurance policy just in case.” Was he joking or had Satan spoken? A sign in front of a church says, “God smiles when you are vaccinated.” Everyone loves to quote books from thousands of years ago and yet there is no mention of this. This is manmade knowledge again instead of being a true authority. The problem is people don’t think for themselves and they go along with this pseudo authority.    

Chiropractic, Naturopathy, and other expressions of health don’t depend on being accepted, believed in, or having someone pay for you to be sick. They serve through the true authority and don’t need manmade imitations or substitutes for real intelligence that’s available to all. You need to tune in because it isn’t going to magically solve all of your problems with a snap of the fingers. These principles are real and don’t need spokespeople or science to do their bidding. Innate Intelligence doesn’t care if insurance covers it or not. It is, stands alone, and doesn’t care if you don’t believe in it or if you haven’t been introduced to it, etc. And yet it sets your free with your complete faith and belief in it.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have a family member who desperately needs Level 2 DCME care but they have some reservations: A) The expense, B) Doesn’t believe Chiropractic can help, C) Is very busy and can’t commit time for care. Help! 

Answer: Move on and get a DCME that is locked and loaded. 

Question 2: I have a DCME that is only showing marginal clinical changes. Do I stop or keep going? 

Answer: Keep going. Many miracles don’t reveal themselves to you in the physical plane. Up to and including death, each human you touch needs this angelic type of care. There are no guarantees. There should be no excuses and it should not be judged by outsiders. Some miracle people are very grateful and others are less appreciative. It is not your call. Like one-handed applause, know with certainty it was your best effort and move on to the next case, and the next one after that.