TNR Happenings October 19, 2020

TNR Happenings 10.19

Dr. Kevin, I’ve got something to ask you

With travel restrictions being what they are, a member asked a simple question: "Would you consider doing a Head-to-Head on Zoom?" Members who have been in TNR for more than a day would know the answer is a resounding no. Dr. Joe Flesia would be spinning in his grave! Sacredness is found in experiencing, not in observation. You can’t watch or read about it, it has to be experienced in the nerve system. That being said, what about a 30-minute Zoom for an issue in the office, a concern, a new project, etc.? My answer is to BRING IT! It’s so easy to backslide and let things slip in these challenging times. A member scheduled one last week for questions about a health challenge for their child. $600 is all it takes. Write a brief outline of what you want to be covered on the call and get yours!


Practice tip of the week!

Don’t fall down on your office procedures.

Emotional Connection Wheel 2019

Remember, these are not academic or boring procedures to be memorized and followed like a script monkey; these are building blocks for long term care and practice member understanding. How can you forget about concentric circles and the Baseline Assessment? What about the Health Awareness Seminar (see the article from Dr. Adam) or two tiers of care during the recommendations? Having more uncertainty in the world can create inertia that actually gets you to streamline your care to your people to include just symptom relief and skimp on patient education. You become a good comrade and don’t talk about the full benefits of Chiropractic care, just 154 characters are all people can handle. Don’t treat Chiropractic as sacred; after all, isn’t it just low back and neck pain relief for adults?  Everyone else is doing the dwindling patient visit average thing like crabs in a box, why not us? It’s much like desperate Chiropractors sharing space and huddling together hoping something magically changes. It’s not in the spirit or philosophy of TNR for us not to share what we know to be true; we are contrarian to a world of lower resonating people. Employing the TNR procedures with each and every practice member creates a better world and a sustainable economic advantage that nobody in your community has.


Who says you can’t meet in public?

The following an article written by TNR member, Dr. Adam Black:

New Office 2.0

Who can say that they have opened two practices in the same year? I can. I don’t mean that in a boastful or arrogant way because I opened two practices for two very different reasons. The first practice was the “spreading of my wings” you could say. It was a brand new place for me, a fresh start and it was away from something that I didn’t fully appreciate at the time. This second practice that I opened has much more confidence, power (not force), and more determination. I opened this practice in a place that I am familiar with and with people who I know and love. As I have talked with Dr. Kevin he has helped me realize that I am now running TOWARDS something and not running away from something. You could say that it might have been the driving force in starting my first practice, but flip the word “towards” to “away”. Once I made the step that I had to move and run to open this second practice and leave the first practice in the review mirror, many opportunities opened up! Just goes to show that when you follow a higher power and your spirit and not resistance, you are presented with many avenues.

So I took the avenue and it has lead me to many people, many resources, and many connections. I started to look at people differently this second time around, not as dollar signs but literally as human beings. Sounds weird, right? But as a young Chiropractor unfortunately that was my mentality. In that transition to more of a humanitarian model and not the business model, I’ve noticed that people started to look at me differently… people take me more seriously and not someone who is just trying to get something from them. It’s very refreshing! In return, people are starting to trust me and see that I put people first before money. This has lead to wonderful connections in which I am about to talk about.

We currently live in a time where the flu is looked at as the “Armageddon Virus”. It’s quite the “chess game” getting people into the office. We all know that chess is ALL about strategy. Through connections and being a part of TNR my training kicked in and I thought, “I wonder if anyone has the chops to do events right now?” So I decided to take a chance and have a brick & mortar event for mom’s in the surrounding community at a local winery. When I approached the winery with the event they looked as if the event had already failed. They said, “Well, we will see. Pretty tough to be doing events right now, huh?” But like I said, my training kicked in and started to FORM A RELATIONSHIP. I called them, emailed them, had them hand pick the wines and cheese platter, and had a continuing dialogue with them to the point that they wanted to help advertise for the event. Joining in that relationship with them, the staff members at the winery felt a part of the event.

I was allowed to have a total of 10 people due to the well designed CDC guidelines. When the event was 5 days away the event was full, now we all know that the odds of them all showing up is slim to none. Two dropped at the last minute. So the event came and I spoke to the group for 10-15 mins, TNR style. What was very unique is that I didn’t receive “patronizing” questions or comments. These mothers were asking some of the most intriguing questions I have ever received. I could tell the sincerity in their questions and then having the look afterward like, “This is something that can help my family.” Needless to say, my office isn’t at full capacity… yet. I have a pretty strong inclination that is all about to change, and no one else to thank other than TNR for my training. Because my training allowed me to think and act differently in a time where mediocrity, unfortunately, is what society wants us to be. Good thing TNR isn’t a part of this frail society.


From the Mind of Miyagi

The anatomy of a DCME: With no training except Head-to-Heads available on the horizon, I want to create a dialogue with members either immersed in DCMEs or members who are not quite there yet and want to have their appetites whetted. There is a reason a person has slipped through the cracks and has been to multiple doctors prior to coming to your office.  As a DCME practitioner, you have to get the mentality of a hole in one or a one-hit wonder out of your mind. Think of a lion with a thorn in its paw. It’s easy to help the big guy by just pulling the thorn out. With a DCME, it’s chronic and crusted over, usually infected, and is protected by thick wads of scar tissue or a scab. Think of emotional and mental anguish as the part that is sealing in the thorn. It is really hard to get to. All the doctors they visited previously were applying simple solutions to complex problems. No wonder they couldn't get results!

There are so many deal breakers with these difficult cases. Number one is they have to leave their old worlds of routines, kids' activities, employment (sometimes), and other people’s opinions and expectations of who they should be seeing (a hint, it’s not a DC!) to get a resolution of the problem. It’s the hero’s journey in modern times. Remember, they return to that world each and every day after your care and are inundated with more negative, useless opinions by people who can’t help and only foist their baseless opinions on what you should do. They also will see articles on the internet or YouTube videos.

Number two is they have to leave behind their secret wish to be cured by you. The secret wish absolves them of all responsibility and places it squarely on your shoulders. This complicates the relationship big time. When the doctor and practice member join as one, a sacred relationship is formed. You can’t do their part for them. There are so many mental and emotional layers of scar tissue they must remove via the 21-Day DCME Video Program, journaling, etc. As much as you want to do this for them, you can’t.

Number three is that frequently there is a secret (or not so secret) enabler or co-dependent that is actually keeping them from getting healthier. We see this almost without exception in the world of addiction, self-harm, and with spouses or children holding the family hostage with their behaviors and demands. No matter how good your clinical care is, this enabler has a tighter grip on the practice member than you have. On the outside, they may appear as being cooperative and helpful, but once outside of your sight, there is an entirely different dimension to their help. They act as a silent saboteur. You must realize that sickness, disability, and emotional and mental illness hold an important space in all relationships.  

Number four is the concept of the lighthouse. Many things say, "I love you and want you to be closer." A lighthouse warns you of impending danger and wishes you stay away for both of your benefits. It warns of cliffs above and rocks below. If the conditions for a miracle are violated you must be okay with letting go of the DCME patient, even though it won't feel okay. Don’t beat yourself up with could haves, should haves, etc. Don’t have a judgment for the practice member, just let them go and don’t compromise the conditions that need to be right for a miracle to happen. If you can’t or won’t let them go, legal ramifications may loom on the horizon as a reminder of the lighthouse concept.

Number five is the insistence that all clinical cases can be remedied or taken care of with the baseline 3x a week for 12 weeks. They can’t and it limits you to actually experiencing the far-reaching effects of Chiropractic care. However, it's a good start with DCMEs as they are in a race with time and often there are lives at stake. They need the doctor's ability to be high along with a higher frequency and duration. And they need it now. Another factor that often gets lost is the doctor must have their crap in order. The doctor needs to do lots of work with their shadows as DCMEs expose all of the doctor's hidden unresolved crap that doesn’t get exposed when working with back or neck pain. It’s not just the fees or the severity of cases, it's holding a space for people in dire circumstances and being there in thick and thin. Some parents are willing to bring into the world any baby whether they are in great health, unhealthy, handicapped, etc. Others will have early genetic testing and choose only to usher into the world perfect babies. If so-called early genetic testing was popular when some of us were younger, we would not be alive. We need to be there for these DCMEs.


Can’t let DCs have all the fun!

Below is a portion of a new newsletter created by TNR member, Siggy. The ace photographer is chronicling her new business. Read how she describes her business. You can readily notice the TNR hues and colors and DNA throughout.  Instead of being just another photographer, she is showing that she is a once-in-a-lifetime photographer that is looking for a specific type of client. Her sensational photos will not be confused with photos snapped on a phone!

Siggi 1.0

Christmas on the Reservation

Thank you for setting up your charity.gofundme campaigns for your offices and families. We are off to a great start. There are so many obstacles facing us this year so we are asking everyone to pull out the stops this year. Think outside the box. My private DCME client has made contacts to her inner circle and many donations have come as a result. One was as far away as Australia. Covid complications just won’t cut it for these kids.  These gifts are a symbol of hope that can’t wait. These kids have no room under the salary cap for backsliding. We want to have more than enough so that every kid on the reservation gets a gift, toy, or article of clothing.

Below are pics from Dr. Lizzie's Harvest Fest: