TNR Happenings, October 25, 2021

TNR Happenings 10.25

It’s almost here!

The Miyagi training didn’t exist before it appeared in TNR. Similar to building a house, writing a book, or birthing a child, you allowed it to be created through you so it has your DNA in it. It has been extracted from the ethers and made available to all that wish to experience it. When I was going through my training with my mentor, I would often wonder how Chiropractors could realize their true potential if they just gazed at a computer, playing video games, or just did what was expected of them. I was being introduced to a hidden world where there weren’t the usual limits. This inner world called to superheroes who were hell-bent on rescuing others that had fallen prey to losing their health.  TNR calls to people who feel they are outsiders, misfits, or not understood in the world of common opinion. These brave few refuse to be slaves to ignorance. Insurance coding, paperwork, ‘my back, my back’, and being told what can and can’t be done appeals to others that don’t feel the need to excel or go where there are no limits. With TNR training you can feel like you’re discovering a new world and be the captain in charge, as it should be.

Miyagi Nov 6

Christmas on the Reservation

I hope all TNR members enjoyed the recently recorded conversation with Kenny Smoker. It is not about two elders swapping war stories. It has a specific purpose to connect people to the marrow of Love Has No Color. Remember, Love Has No Color did not exist 18 years ago. The statistics of at-risk kids on the Fort Peck Reservation have changed for the better in the last 17 years. Most people outside of the Reservation are completely unaware of the third-world conditions Native Americans endure on a daily basis. I know I was. We are getting only a taste of what it means to be an outsider during this Covid hoax. Along with the mandates, restrictions, loss of employment, attacks on our kids, and freedoms lost, many are being despised and judged by a majority hell-bent on persecuting others who have different beliefs.  The practical way of helping America’s first at-risk population is with money, but we go beyond this and actually do the work to help them. We need the fuel (donations) to do the work. Like most things in life, we are the square root of 1%. We keep our promises. 

Christmas on the Reservation 2021

Check out this post

Who Are You?
Posted by Robin Falcone Oct 2021

My grandmother was a Russian Jew who narrowly escaped a pogrom in her village as a child. Like many descendants of those people, I’ve always found stories of that time especially poignant and personal.

I’ve also been fascinated at how these things happened right in front of the non-Jews living all around them, whose lives seemed to continue on with little impact. Did they realize what was going on? Or had they been told that Jews were the enemy often enough and loud enough that eventually they just accepted it as truth?

Historically when one group of people is singled out for persecution, the remaining population falls into three groups:

1.  Those who simply go about their business unaware of what is going on, or who don't care because they're not personally impacted.
2.  Self-appointed enforcers who gleefully point out the offenders to demonstrate their loyalty to the regime and (they hope) preserve their own favorable standing.
3.  A courageous few who despite being exempt from persecution themselves, risk everything to stand up to tyranny because they answer to higher ideals which transcend cultural or political whims.

It was this group who helped people like my grandmother during the war or became resistance icons like Witold Pilecki and Oskar Schindler. They understood what was happening and did something about it. Many others risked their own lives by hiding Jewish families in their homes or helping them escape the country.

Growing up, people like that were my archetypes of courage and character. I’d ask myself, "If this happened today, who would I be? If all the chips were down and it would cost me everything, would I have the moral courage to help a Jew?"
We all like to think we are in group 3 but history tells us otherwise. The majority of people fall into group 1, with a good number in 2 and a smaller percentage in 3.

And it's no wonder. Remember, the horrors of the holocaust were preceded by an all-out PSYOP campaign to turn people against the Jews and separate them from mainstream life. The Reich controlled the public narrative and enforced it through aggressive and unrelenting media campaigns. As Hitler’s own Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels famously said, "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as truth." No wonder many businesses displayed "No Jews Allowed" signs in their windows. No wonder Jews were routinely turned away from movie theaters, concerts, shows, and other public venues.

In fact, the propaganda was so effective that before long many people believed that Jews shouldn't be allowed to mix with the mainstream population at all, much less attend school with non-Jewish children. Finally, laws were passed preventing Jews from entering civil service, the military, medicine, teaching, and other professions, all in the name of the "public good." Widespread protests did nothing to deter the hell-bent Reich from their agenda.

By the time Jews were physically separated from the general population many people were relieved, believing they were safer not being exposed to the Jews. It's worth noting that the effectiveness of the propaganda was in no way dependent on the truth of the message. People were thoroughly convinced that Jews posed an imminent threat to their way of life, despite the fact that they had been freely associating with Jewish friends, neighbors, and co-workers for months or years without suffering any ill effects. What had changed, other than the narrative? How right Goebbels was! And how different history would look if people had believed what they actually saw and experienced, rather than the narrative that was being sold to them.

The parallels between this and what is happening today are striking. Pick up the NY Times or the Washington Post and substitute the word "Jew" for "unvaccinated." If you have any moral sense at all you'll be appropriately alarmed; it is virtually indistinguishable from anything published by the Reich during WWII, right down to "necessary measures being taken to avoid the spread of misinformation" (for the public good, of course).

Like the Jews in my grandmother's day, the un-vaxed are being banished from civil service, the military, medicine, teaching, and other professions (also presumably for the "public good"). No matter that millions of un-vaxed police officers, soldiers, nurses, doctors, teachers, and others have been doing their jobs continually over the last 3 years without making anyone sick at all. Why are they suddenly unfit to mix with the general population? What has changed, other than the hyperbolic narrative being sold to the public?

Hitler was in excellent company. The most unthinkable atrocities in history have been committed in the name of the public good - just ask the 7 million Ukrainians Stalin intentionally starved to death, or the millions of Armenians slaughtered in Turkey, or the Cambodians lying in mass graves at the pleasure of Pol Pot. Those are just three in a long list of Governments who decided that a certain contingent wasn't going along with the program and needed to be dealt with.

As today's un-vaxed are labeled "human petri dishes" and worse, with many people calling for shunning, separation, and other punitive measures, I urge good people everywhere to consider two questions:

1.  Am I being rational? No question that it's rational to fear someone infected with Leprosy or Ebola. It's even rational to keep your distance and wash your hands after being exposed to someone with a cold or flu. But is it rational to have a mortal fear of perfectly healthy people? How have we been convinced that healthy, asymptomatic people pose not only a threat but one so deadly that it warrants banishment from mainstream society?
2.  "Who am I?  Will I look the other way because mandates and restrictions don’t apply to me? Will I point at the unvaccinated and turn them into the authorities to demonstrate my loyalty? Or, will I have the moral clarity and courage to stand up and fight tyranny whenever and wherever it happens, be it against Jews, Blacks, Asians, Christians, or the Unvaccinated?"

As perfectly healthy people around you continue losing their jobs, health insurance, homes, access to grocery stores, banks, public schools, airports, and even hospitals which group will you be a part of?

When history looks back on this time, what will your grandchildren say about who you were in 2021?


From the Mind of Miyagi


As I sat there across from him at the breakfast table, I could feel his sadness and complete lack of joy even though by superficial appearances he was successful in his pursuit.  It was like his inner child had been hijacked by a stoic, all assuming authority. He had all the right words and a forced smile (the smile was on his face, but not in his eyes), but the dull grey life now had become his new truth. 

Was I sitting across from a 37-year old in cancer remission, a fundamentalist religious person, or perhaps a recovering addict? They all blended in my mind as I experienced the fragile truth. Life without choice and without hope is a burden indeed.  I began thinking about how this world that is laden with things like no safety belts on school busses and 6 rapists out of 1,000 rapes go to jail, and I realized there is a resignation that takes place within all of us to take one for the team. This is as good as it gets. Accept what is and retire the idea of there has to be a better way. Putting up with violent or unsafe, toxic relationships for the kids’ sakes; rolling up one’s sleeve to inject poison to keep employment with a totalitarian employer; Chiropractors going along with ‘my back, my back’ and hiding behind practice management schemes, creative coding with insurance, and giving people what they want, not what they need. 

Getting back to our 37-year old, it seems he has a stoic outlook on everything he now sees in life. The gleam in his eyes was gone. He acts dutiful to his loved ones and acceptance and responsibility have replaced aliveness and adventure. His spirit had been kidnapped. He accepts the limitations of the beliefs of others and buries his own Innate Goodness in the process. His authentic voice had been silenced. The mold had been cast in cement and steel. It seemed like a death sentence of repeating the mantras, limited by the opinions of others in exchange for the seeming eradication of the enemy. Said another way, I’m very grateful for firefighters putting out the house fire, but what about rebuilding the house? They have nothing to do with this process. It’s not important…or is it? Is that all we do is put out fires?  To assist in the appearance of true healing when it’s not true, you will forever be looking over your shoulder for the return of the dragon. 

The ambiguity of never understanding the mysteries of life individually had been replaced by certainty and supposed safety in numbers by yielding to authorities and others knowing more than him as if they were created by a superior god, imbued with more of what he seems to be lacking. I was reminded of people who had been brainwashed from cults to the Stockholm Syndrome. The dragon or enemy I refer to can take many forms; however, it is singular in purpose. It separates your True Self from your True Source (God) as you hand over your personal authority in exchange for some type of truce in your life. Always remember, a truce is not peace any more than the illusion of symptom amelioration is health. 

Bringing this to the Chiropractic arena, if the ghosts that haunt you at night are not severe (yet), you will miss the meaning of the above message. Read it again. If you have been invited, kicking and screaming to know yourself in a deeper fashion, you may have tears in your eyes like I have as I write this. When you see someone you care about in remission, taking one day at a time, in marriage counseling, kids or grandkids being held hostage, or listening to someone or an institution that dictates how you should live and act, is difficult. Do you silence your inner voice, your contribution to all of humanity? Have you become a willing, subservient slave to ignorance through the current mandates?

 There is no conscious malevolence with the institutions that are offering him hope. I am glad he is free of his past demons, but at the expense of his humanity, his freedom is way too high a price to pay!  Yet, there he was in plain sight, so fragile and lost, thinking that he was one of the lucky ones. Wherever he goes, people say patronizingly, ‘I’m so proud of you’ or ‘I’ll say a prayer for you.’ This is like saying how brave someone is for having chemo, radiation, a vaccine, experimental procedures, staying in a loveless relationship, forcing children into chemical experimentation, or putting up with elder abuse: keeping your mouth shut when you experience injustices. I have known this 37-year old since his birth. I held him in my arms as a new baby. I am his Godfather and yet I am helpless because I must turn him over to the grim statistics of 4 or 5 out of 60 within one year are considered successes and the rest return to the dragon’s world. He holds on to his life by a thread.

 As DCs/NDs/healers, can you really not see the need for safety belts on school busses? Can you comprehend the paradigm blindness of allowing and agreeing to 6 being convicted per 1,000 rapes? Of companies being allowed to pollute our environment? Do you really think other types of doctors get better results than once-in-a-lifetime Chiropractors? I invite each of our readers to search inside their own hearts. Are you going along with the party line of being a short-term symptomatic doctor instead of allowing each and every one of your practice members to express the best version of themselves? Don’t be seduced into thinking removing symptoms is health. It isn’t! 


DCME Confidential


Question 1: I know the 21-Day DCME Video Program is worth $349, but it’s tough to explain to practice members. How do I do this? 

Answer: Is it? If we go back to the historical annals of TNR, we will note that these videos originated in a famous MasterMind session. Only one or two current members were present at that training. Of note, the doctor who uses more of the 21-Day DCME Video Programs than anyone else suggested the cost be $800! She also doesn’t do Level 1 care. With DCME or Level 2 patients, it’s not about seeing people more often; it’s about caring for a person who has been held hostage with an illness that was taken lightly before and has become chronic. The video program is imbued with a once-in-a-lifetime resonation. The 21-Day DCME Video Program has navigated people away from suicide, addiction, diseases, depression, and anxiety. It has no limits, peers, or anything to contrast it. It does need a person behind it who will form a strong relationship of trust with the patient to ensure the homework is done and skin is put in the game. 

Question 2: With Zoom being used so much, why hasn’t the 21-Day DCME Video Program met a wider audience? 

Answer: See the previous question and understand resonation controls everything. Low resonating people can’t comprehend, understand, or grasp concepts that are out of their limited range.