TNR Happenings September 14, 2020

TNR Happenings 9.14

Be on the lookout

We will be mailing out a package to all members in the next week or so. The mass hysteria is not going anywhere soon so this package will help each member stay strong in a world that encourages and rewards compliance and weakness. Don’t attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery while reading it? It is not only inspirational, but it is also powerful and will make you proud to be a part of TNR.

Also, don't forget to book a Head-to-Head soon.


Dates for Christmas on the Reservation to be announced

We will be receiving the dates from Kenny Smoker in the next few days. To help with the shipping costs and the gifts getting there late, this year we are suggesting that each office raise funds to purchase gifts that are grade and gender-specific for all of the kids. This would allow more toys to be purchased with fewer funds being applied toward shipping. Amazon Prime ships free to the Reservation and every time something is purchased using Smile Amazon, a portion is donated to Love Has No Color. We will order the gifts off of Smile Amazon if you send the funds to Love Has No Color or you can order directly on Smile Amazon. If you prefer to have patients bring in toys and gifts and you don't mind the shipping costs, then you are welcome to do that too. We will just need the gifts shipped earlier this year. I appreciate all of the offices that have picked up the shipping costs in the past and any of the offices that prefer to do that again this year. We want to be able to serve the entire Reservation and even help outlying areas like Fort Kipp.


Practice tip of the week

Be strong for your families and your practice members. People are genuinely scared and don’t know how to react. Tell your kids that when you’re healthy, you are protected. Keep it simple. Make them feel safe. If they are actually allowed in school, they will be bombarded with all kinds of media and politically-driven misinformation and deception. Kids and teachers can be so cruel. Get as many families under care in your office. Don’t be paralyzed by all the negativity of low resonating people. If there ever was a time to grow, it’s now. When the chemical solutions come out for the plague, stay in your lane. Remember, health is always the solution. Speaking for or against the problem will land you in trouble, especially if you are north of the border!


Dr. Ruth reincarnated in Canada!

The leading health official in Canada has put out a video ( on how to have safe sex during the pandemic. Her degree is in what? The province (like the states here in the US) has entered this domain reluctantly by the palpable awkwardness of this message. Read her body language. This is the same province that targeted a website from the states. They told members it was from British Columbia and they used it as a teaching tool, showing what an illegal website looked like. In the video, this health official comments about the safety of vaginal secretions and semen to carrying this virus. There have been no studies or research on this lab-made, man-made tool of destruction since March. A well-known virus called AIDS will disagree with the off the cuff remark.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Have you noticed the censoring on TV, the internet, Facebook, etc.  and the intolerance of differing views when it comes to this mass hysteria? Have you noticed the speed at making up laws by the seat of their pants and the totalitarian absolutism of people who profit from disease? Imagine the president of the ICA having videos routinely taken down. The rule is very simple: no dissenting views. Wise societies (which includes indigenous cultures) used laws, customs, or taboos as a way of guiding people, not imprisoning or punishing them. Healthy people are being punished as they are treated like unhealthy people. Is the state or government going to tell you how to spend your money? How about making out of shape people work out?  As with health insurance, the sick people benefit and the healthy people pay for it. Whaaat? You actually get benefits from being sick. Being healthy is not encouraged, rewarded, or talked about.

The arena of how to be healthy, how to raise and safeguard your kids, and now how to have sex was previously left up to people to decide for themselves. Now the government has declared itself the self-appointed expert on yet another subject. When you lean on supposed safety at the expense of liberty, watch out! Benjamin Franklin warned colonists of this in early pre-revolution days. In all societies that bared their teeth and claws, the first to be rounded up, silenced, or jailed were: you guessed it, doctors, scholars, teachers, and clergy (educated people who could blow the whistle on the deceptive practices that were being shoved down gullible people’s throats.) They did this with force, profit, putting people out of jobs and businesses, fundamentalism, and using isolation as a tool. They encouraged squealing and certainly did not think about reason, logic, or what was truly best for the people. These were typical cases of profit before people.

As Chiropractors, we must guard against adding out names to the downtrodden or ones destroyed by the mass hysteria. We know better. The question is will you act in a courageous way or will your voice be silenced also? Being or playing small is a dead giveaway to agreeing with what is going on. Is Healthier People Create a Healthier Planet a cutesy, out of date slogan or words to live by? The more families and individuals under long-term care, the more thinking and acting they will do for themselves. Sooner or later more Rosa Parks will emerge and will refuse to wear their masks or subject their kids to the emotionally crippling social distancing and alienating practices. People need social interaction.

Sounds crazy to society, but Chiropractors will be called upon to bail society out of this tailspin by showing and demonstrating how to be healthy, with increased immunity, raising CD4 counts, etc. Seeing Chiropractors adopt the ‘new normal, insane lifestyle’ brings tears to my eyes. Downsizing practices to conform with social distancing is as insane as it gets. Miracles are in short order today, which is exactly the reason why they are so needed. There are more DCME cases out there if you just don’t buy into the silliness. Do more than you need to for each and every practice member you have. Exceed their expectations, don’t meet them.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I don’t want to sound mercenary, but I’ve recently had a series of DCME patients that are paying monthly. It doesn’t give me that rush or sense of accomplishment. Am I jaded, greedy, selfish, or just have had a student poverty mentality for too long?

Answer: Don’t change anything with your previous DCMEs, but move toward pre-pay or 2 payments. Monthly is only okay, much like getting a peck on the cheek instead of a real kiss.

Question 2: I run out of things to do with my DCMEs. You always seem to have such adventures with your DCMEs. My activities seem plain, mundane, and perhaps a little boring. What would you suggest?

Answer: The activity actually matters little, it is you they want to spend time with outside of your office. They could be playing tiddlywinks or video games with you, it doesn’t matter. What matters is you spending time with them. It makes them feel worthwhile, recognized, and loved. These are the conditions necessary for a miracle to happen.


Spotted on the Trail Cam

Coyote with meal