TNR Happenings, September 27, 2021

TNR Happenings 9.27

Mr. Miyagi Training is on November 6th

This is great training for all members. Even non-DC members will find it heartwarming to see principles lead the way in TNR. Principles are something to hold on to during challenging times. At this training, you will be able to witness the inside-out way of handling difficult cases and then apply these principles to your specific needs. When I first introduced Mr. Miyagi Training, many in our group said their technique was different, they had different academic letters next to their name, they used an instrument or blocks, and, the personal favorite of mine, my office is different. Today, Miyagi Training is understood as the vehicle to get you there. It’s the mindset, behaviors, and beliefs to handle the BIG CASES and produce consistent results. 

A few years ago when we were on the Reservation, I was approached by a principal of a school who told me her sister was dying of cancer. She asked if it would be beneficial for her sister to receive a treatment. I recommended a non-DC (with a full scope license) who sees this all the time. Watching her minister to the patient brought tears to my eyes. The sacral pump, the sphenoid adjustment, and more were mercifully and compassionately applied to this person, who had 2 small kids and only weeks to live. It was like observing an angel here on earth sending an angel back ‘home’. That’s the heart of TNR.

Miyagi Nov 6

Practice tip of the week

Be grateful. It’s hard to be appreciative when you see such terrible things all around you. Your external circumstances need not dictate to you what mood to be in. Start with the small things. Be grateful to your spouse, your kids, your parents. Instead of attempting to change and dictate to all of those around you with your superior insight and vantage point, let them be as they are. You will notice we are all connected with shared interests and a common purpose if you’re aware enough to discern. Being frustrated by those around you is no way to live life. You are a leader, not a follower. The code of honor you choose to have does not have to be foisted on those around you. Share; don’t use force or mandates to make people abide by your beliefs.  


Love Has No Color news

As we gear up for our fundraising for Christmas on the Reservation, remember that we will be delivering gifts to two separate and distinct Reservations. That means we have a lot of heavy lifting to do. So, let’s get to it, and let’s get things done. Do you remember Dr. Megan Cartillar? She served three years on the reservation for Love Has No Color. She had a degree in Get Shit Done (GSD). No matter what needed to be done, she found a way with her army of one. We are still looking for wealthy individuals to help with our expanded goals this year.

Check out the letter we received from Kenny Smoker:

TO:  Dr. Kevin and LHNC members,

I want to thank all of you who participated and donated to the Kids’ Fun Day sponsored by LHNC at Fort Peck Reservation this past August 11-14, 2021. This year is one that will go into our memories that will not be forgotten.  We had planned to have the usual Kids’ Fun Days in the Wolf Point and Poplar communities, but the events were changed when tragedy struck the Northern Cheyenne Tribe by a life threatening fire. Without any hesitation from LHNC leadership, it was agreed upon to send assistance to the brother Tribe, by giving food supplies, Chiropractic care, and overall support to those in need.

This endeavor meant so much to the Northern Cheyenne President and Tribal Council and to those present. It was a great feeling to see people coming together and be a part of something great. I have always said, the LHNC Chiropractic group has strong leadership and good values that work side by side with our values. It made my heart feel good.

The Northern Cheyenne had the chance to see the partnership we have at Fort Peck with LHNC and they wish to have the same. So plans are underway to create this service at Northern Cheyenne, first with the Christmas on the Reservation at both Reservations in December, with one or two days in each of the Reservations. The President and Tribal Council of Northern Cheyenne can’t wait for the next visit. I witnessed how the best of our people comes out when LHNC shows up. We are living in difficult times, but hardships are forgotten when good people come into our lives, it gives hope.

Thank you,

Kenneth Smoker, Jr.

Health Program Specialist

Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program

Fort Peck Tribes


From the Mind of Miyagi


There is a bell curve to any human endeavor and there are no exceptions to the rule. The curve represents what people did or didn’t do with their training or opportunity.  Let’s look at this in the Chiropractic arena. The academic rank or what you did in College means nothing to what you do with this training once outside the walls. Neither does the alphabet soup some Chiropractors insist on having by their names. How can two people with the same degree which took 9 years to secure be so vastly different? It’s because of the invisible concept (the curve) known to almost nobody but rules all with an iron fist with or without their knowledge. Those at the bottom of the curve see themselves as victims in circumstances beyond their control. They are the first to cry foul and last to do anything about it. They lack personal power and resonation and they don’t believe they can do anything about their inherited limitations. Thousands of Chiropractors voluntarily closed their offices in support of the hoax and were compensated for it with blood money known as Covid stimulus money.

Now let’s shift our attention to the people at the top of the curve. They know who they are with or without being recognized. It’s a way of life and always has been since the beginning of time. They have the same problems (maybe more?) as anyone else on the curve, but they solve them and stay in their lanes. They don’t attempt to correct others with faulty Covid or disease opinions, they help lots and lots of people. They have licenses just like any other Chiropractor, but they use it to its full advantage. If they run into obstacles, there is no doubt in their minds that they will overcome them, no matter what needs to be done. They simply find a way, not an excuse.

If we were to look inside the minds of proven performers when a problem arises, we would see that it’s different than the minds of people that have limitation, lack, and scarcity in their minds. Proven performers see the solution instead of seeing oppression, no way out, etc. They also accept risk and opportunity as a way of life. Obeying rules and unjust causes are seen as personal power drains and are to be avoided at all costs. You won’t see their opinions on social media platforms. They use their opinions and beliefs to help people, not to gain popularity or fame. This sets them apart from the majority. The bottom dwellers, on the other hand, are imprisoned by obeying the rules, mandates, and laws that are set in place of the times. From war to racism and other unjust causes, the proven performers perform even in difficult circumstances. Failure is just not an option for them.

Those at the bottom of the curve will gladly surrender anything, including their licenses, to keep their status as naysayers. Or conversely, they will violate all they know to be true, put their own lives in danger, and drink the hemlock. With or without a license, they embrace failure, sharing space, just getting by, paying the bills. Covid didn’t create them, it merely exposed them for who and what they stand for. With or without a license, they still will never find themselves at the top of the curve. Something is always wrong in their lives from marriages, debt, kids, location, conflict, boredom, etc. Training, investing in themself, and excellence are not in their vocabulary. The top of the curve will thrive in all types of circumstances. They will swim in freshwater, brackish water, saltwater, or toilet water, it matters not. They don’t allow circumstances to dictate their success. They are successful in all circumstances.

We have seen so many successes in TNR during the current plandemic climate. We have seen members say no to the consensus of suffering that takes away pleasure, freedom, and liberty all in the name of making us equal. Don’t join the unity party of suffering, where logic and rational thought are thrown away to the art of politicization and hysteria. We are all born equal at birth and then it’s a matter of what one does with the opportunity. To all members: there is no plan B; you are here as miracle workers that take people from where they are to where they want to be against the wishes of people who profit from people being sick, disempowered, and subservient. To the disease mongers (the people that are saying healthy, non-vaccinated people are making them sick or posing a threat to them), we are the enemy for the crime of following our individual, nongovernmental sponsored path. In the land of disease, health is the disease.


DCME confidential


Question 1: I have heard so much about the family dynamics of Level 2/DCMEs. Is it really that important? 

Answer: Yes it is! It’s called the care and feeding of the at-home resistance that is found in all DCMEs. You must retain some sort of relationship with the parent(s) if the funds for care are to continue. Sometimes only one parent is the advocate. Don’t answer questions from the non-advocate parent; they are just restating their beliefs that don’t include you. 

Question 2: One of the parents of a 16-year old girl is tormenting my DCME. What can I do? 

Answer: Nothing, but give the kid tools to help her survive while under care. You can’t change family dynamics; however, with the healing of the kid, the dynamics will change. Until this happens, it will be hell for the kid. Don’t choose sides, stay in your land and help the kid. There are always enablers, co-dependants, or saboteurs that hold space for the chronic condition to exist.