TNR Happenings September 8, 2020

TNR Happenings 9.8

Dr. Lisa gave birth to a little boy last week!!!

Dr. Lisa, Mio, and Mila welcomed a little baby boy, Novak, into their family last week! We will share photos soon. Congratulations Dr. Lisa!!!!!


When is the next TNR training?

Schedule a Head to Head ASAP to keep on track with your training. This was emphasized in last week’s Happenings. If you don’t think this "pandemic" can shift you from your center, you’re grossly mistaken. Head-to-Heads are part of your regular training during non-mass hysteria times. Their need is increased now. During this historic invasion of rights and freedoms, you can’t afford to slip or retreat. To be a TNR DC is all about standing on the shoulders of giants that paved the way before you. YOU must step up in these convoluted times.

Nothing has changed in the travel restriction arena, especially with our Canadian members. If the travel restrictions are lifted this month, a training seminar will happen as soon as October. Otherwise, the Head-to-Head option is currently your most viable option. We are in a time where mediocrity and just getting by is being celebrated, where testing positive for illness will add thousands to your social media ratings, and if you are a nursing home and you claim one of your residents died of this particular illness, you are rewarded with cash stipends. Don't let this craziness affect you: keep up with your TNR training.

Head-to-Heads make sense of a senseless world. Another thought brought up by one of our members is if you think your world has been tipped upside down as an adult, have you given any thought to the devastating effects on your kids? How about your non-DC spouse? Do you think your kids aren’t suffering the effects because you are a Chiropractor? Having a Chiropractic parent does not insulate them from living in a fear-based world. Your leadership and clear voice are needed now more than ever at home, in your marriage, in your office, and in the world.


Practice tip of the week

Don’t hold your tongue. When it comes to recommendations about what people really need, tell it to them straight up, don’t water it down. When you hear the socially accepted excuses like losing jobs, being too busy, they can’t afford it, they can’t come out of their houses, etc., don’t be drawn into the resistance. Your recommendations are your recommendations. With everything that is going on around them, some people still have not realized that health should be their first priority and they will be resistant to learn this fact in your office. Move on to the next person that wants to make their health a priority. Be strong and demonstrate reality, not what others think it is. Minimalists are all around hoping that you are one of the majority of Chiropractors that supplies simple solutions to complex problems and that you will take responsibility for their health. You are the doctor they need in their corner, whether they realize it or not.


From the Mind of Miyagi


Did you hear about the recent event at the 2020 US Open involving Novak Djokovic?  The outcry from people from all walks of life including non-tennis fans regarding the #1 tennis player in the world is simply amazing. The reality is they are simply seeking a public scapegoat and it’s a smokescreen to project guilt and shame on him for the world’s problems. Earlier this year he held a tournament in Croatia that ‘caused’ a number of top tennis players to test positive with no symptoms and no sickness. The political and science people and the fear media say he should be ashamed of himself.

What he did at the US Open was done in frustration, not with malevolence or intent. The picture all over the internet shows an elderly woman looking at Novak as if he murdered her grandchildren. Digital guys armed with algorithms talk about the speed of the ball to be about 12 miles an hour and she went down like she had been shot. I bet she has a son or two that plays soccer because those guys really know how to fake and flop. The 220 million dollar man and a helpless woman, the picture is an instant classic. He’s the bad guy here and an easy target for people who aren’t #1 in anything and don’t own a private jet. This is a clear example of the antelope pissing on the lion. There is no doubt there should have been consequences for his actions, but bouncing him from the tournament because he’s human and not a robot? The ruling was made without looking at all of the evidence. And we must obey the laws like obedient little children. Like the laws of racism, seizing of human rights of minorities, and all other man-made laws that put power and profit over people: they are to be hidden behind instead of someone courageous enough to come forward to overrule laws that don’t make sense. Are you shackled to the capricious laws of man or do you serve the higher laws of humanity? How about the laws that prohibited Chiropractors from helping people because of their degree? The game of tennis had a great opportunity to follow a higher set of laws but instead, it took the below the line approach to keep their market share. How predictable and status quo in the ‘new normal’ where you must act as an obedient comrade with no emotions, no flaws, and no humanity.

Pucks flying out of the rink into the stands during hockey games happen more frequently than line judges being hit by tennis balls. What about baseballs being hit into the stands? There is an assumed risk, much like driving a car or being out in public, that shit happens. If a person is injured, the game doesn’t stop. The game is bigger than an injured person. Sure, let us get some help to the fan; however, the game goes on. I’ve seen fans that have been hit in the face by an errant puck flying at 100 mph, breaking them open. Many get stitched up in a locker room and then return to watch the rest of the game. They receive a standing ovation and are put on the jumbotron for being in the spirit of the game, not flopping, and being more important than the game. Often times the player will supply an autographed stick and a meal at their favorite restaurant to the injured party.

Here is an example of how sports are supposed to be played during this hysteria. This was taken from an article in our local newspaper regarding soccer: "The four-page report of modifications made to boys and girls soccer this fall includes: no throw-ins; no heading the ball; no shoulder-to-shoulder contact; no slide-tackles; all players, coaches, referees must wear masks at all times; no defensive walls on free kicks; all players must stay six feet apart on restarts; no corner-kicks; and goalies cannot boot the ball across midfield." What are these kids supposed to do, just stand on the field and look at each other? How are they learning to play soccer with so many restrictions?


There is a reason I strongly suggest members keep their digital footprint to an absolute minimum. Society doesn’t realize just how wonderful Chiropractic is and neither do your regulatory boards that are supposed to protect you. Instead, they police you and offer resistance instead of encouragement. Be smart, not arrogant.


What would you do?

Massachusetts has enacted a new law that requires anyone who is attending public school or daycare to have a flu shot. It’s not the intent of TNR to focus on medical mayhem, especially things that begin with v. However, this represents the principle of freedom. Do laws imprison or protect you? What does the flu have to do with Covid you ask? That’s not a question a good comrade asks. Heretics are not wanted and you will be publically shamed via social media. If you were a parent in this state, your choices are: do what you’re told or take a religious exemption. The conscientious objection choice is long gone. Are you going to be targeted by the powers to be because of your refusal to comply with the marching orders of a world that is mired in disease, war, and pollution?


DCME confidential


Question 1: I want to give my DCMEs some high-level TNR training material, like the kind of readings you give me in advance of Head-to-Heads. Is this okay or will it be too far over their heads?

Answer: It is over their heads. Be very slow and conservative with concepts. Follow the 21-Day DCME Video Program concepts. They are a nice skeleton of basic concepts. Then you can slowly add more complex concepts.

Question 2: I have a DCME that is balking with the videos and obviously is not doing their homework. What should I do?

Answer: They will pick up on your resonation and intent. You can’t, nor do you want to, force them to do something they are not all in with. If you’re just doing the videos because of the money, it won't be a DCME. Speak to them about not accepting their responsibility and then drop it. Don’t get rigid and do the best you can with a practice member that is resisting getting healthy.