Want to add 10 patient visits to your practice today!?

Believe it or not, there are sane and rational people who are scared silly and are paralyzed hiding in their houses. Look at your patient records: they dropped off the planet when the pandemic reared its ugly head. If you’ve called them and they have refused to come in, did you offer to come to their house to adjust them and their family?
I can’t tell you how many of our coaching members have done just that. Not a visit here or there, but lots and lots of adjustments that really help their patients, all at full fee. The patients are thrilled that their Chiropractor cares enough to go out of their way and takes time away from their practice and family to care for them.
It also sends a message that they matter to you. It’s so easy to feel alone and isolated when you are under house arrest and mandated to avoid human contact except by computer. It goes against human nature. Do not get sucked in by pretending to be another kind of doctor and doing tele-Chiropractic.
There is nothing like the real thing: no substitutes and no imitations.
How about your at-risk populations such as children with pre-existing chronic ailments or your elderly in poor health? We have a member who resides in an extremely rural area. The local religious leader rounded up 100 members of his congregation and had the Chiropractor adjust each and every one of them in his house of worship. And he paid for it. They have been doing this for 3 months now. How’s that for being essential and being a true hero?
Be of greater service in this time of need. Don’t turn your responsibilities over to people who can’t help people become healthier. Chiropractic is a VERB…it’s action in motion, a doing. It’s a solution. It’s not talking about the problem, hiding from the problem, or using 102 year old strategies to supposedly make the problem disappear. Stay in your lane and adjust as many people as you can. That’s doing your part, not obediently acting like a lay person and doing what you’re told.
Click here to schedule your FREE consultation. It’s time to have your dream practice even during this crazy time!