We know you’ve heard this before

If you’ve been in practice for awhile, you’ve experienced firsthand the mystery of the disappearing patient. Take a look on your computer, at all the hundreds or thousands of patients that have come in…where are they now? When they come to your office they say they’ll do anything to get out of pain. Once they’re out of pain, they say they’ll be back once they’re in pain again. But you can’t blame them, they have been programmed since birth to only consult a doctor once they have pain or feel sick.
We have it drilled into our heads by every digital and offline pundit of Chiropractic that new patients will solve all of your ills.
But will they?
If you stay hung up on new patients, you’ll put no emphasis on RETENTION. This is the true measure to see if your patient understands Chiropractic.
The solution to your office isn’t plowing through an endless stream of low quality, demanding, and unappreciative new patients.
You know that wellness plays a critical role in the health of your patients. But they don’t know that!
Wellness care isn’t just about forming relationships of trust, setting boundaries, or asking for long-term commitment that leads to this understanding. It’s more than just the amazing patient education they receive in your office that focuses on health rather than symptoms and disease.
Wellness care is about caring for patients as you would want to be cared for or how you would care for a family member.
Every new patient, and existing patients, in your office goes through a predictable series of procedures and patient education so you can demonstrate you are not an average DC.
You can choose to keep paying high fees for your new patients through online or offline advertising or start investing more emotional currency into every patient! (This is free!)
You will see retention go through the roof. You will see referral rates that are personal bests in your office.
The surprising thing about when your patients understand wellness is they’ll put away their stalling tactics. They’ll stop saying “I can’t afford it” and start a process that is absent in most offices…COOPERATION.
Your practice should be more of a community of health where people love to come to get healthy and stay healthy.
The old and outdated pain relief only model that a lot of offices are stuck in resembles more of a forced learning session. Similar to a license credit renewal, the patient feels like they have to participate rather than doing so voluntarily.
For 2019, let retention be your mantra! It’s time to see the wonderful effects of having an office people will drive by others to get to.