YouTube doesn’t have all the answers…

My neighbor has been diligently attempting to build a skating rink for 6 weeks. He built the wood frame, added a plastic liner, and thought he was good to go… WRONG! He added way to much water that it didn’t freeze. Then it started leaking and the wind blew the liner away. There the rink sits, in his yard, totally disheveled without hope of repair.
I was walking Hachi one day and I could see the look in my neighbor’s eye, he was disappointed and stuck, so I offered to help. He mentioned that he had watched several YouTube videos and thought he knew what to do. The actual experience exposed him. He thought he would be able to build it and it backfired.
I think a lot of Chiropractors are in the same position.
They went to school to learn how to be a doctor, to adjust, and diagnose but to own a practice has proved to be challenging. Like my neighbor, a lot of Chiropractors have just decided to sit there and be stuck.
When I offered my help, I had the rink up and running within a few days. If you could only see the look on his kid’s face when he started to skate on it! I see this same face on DCs when they realize that their practice isn’t some big mystery. Instead, they see It was that the necessary skills weren’t taught in school.
If this is the time to become unstuck in practice and life, then The New Renaissance is here for you. We’re building better practices and people. Click here or call to set up a FREE consultation to see if we’re a good fit.
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